Sunday, December 2, 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

What a great weekend we had :) So sad to see it end! On Friday night we had a visit from Nanny (Seth's mom) who hasn't seen Mason in a while. She wanted some special one on one time and she got it :) Seth made us all dinner and she played with her little man. She was a happy Grandma!

Saturday we had Mason's 4 month pictures. The incredible Jenny Mason from Jenny Mason Photography took his pictures and I CANNOT wait to see them! If you live in the Orange County CA area, I HIGHLY recommend her. Visit her website and see the amazing pictures she takes -

What a little ham Mason is! He was all smiles and I couldn't be happier. We got back our pictures from our family photo session in October and while I love them, he was only 3 months old and didn't really start smiling yet. It's almost there, but not quite. His little smile lights up a picture and I just cannot wait to see he pictures of him smiling so big. My little monkey did SO good during his photo shoot but boy was he tired on the way home!

That night we went out to dinner for Grandma Judy's birthday (my brother-in-law's mom). We went to the Chicken Dinner Restaurant at Knott's Berry Farm and boy was it good.

Then, today was Mommy/Mason day! Daddy and Papa had to work at the swap meet all day so Mommy was in charge :) We spent most of the day sleeping with a little bit of fun playtime too!

We love the lights and music! We love our hands. We love our thumb. But we don't looooove tummy time :)

I started decorating our apartment for Christmas on the day after Thanksgiving and I'm finally finished! So happy to finally have the tree up and to start wrapping presents and making it look even more festive. Some people have themes for their trees. Some people decorate all in one color. But me, I just like to put up the things that I like!

Top left : decoration above the tv. Top right : lights around the window.
Bottom left : lights down the hallway. Bottom right : Seth's mom gave us this last year and we got to add Mason now!
Oldies but goodies!
Left : my baby's 1st Christmas ornament
Top : my dad, my mom, me, my brother. Bottom : Winnie the Pooh
New for 2012
Top : Mason's footprint (at 1 month). Bottom : Mason's handprint (at 1 month) as Santa.
Right : 2012 ornament
Gotta represent the favorite sports teams
Top : baseball! Bottom : Angels ornament
Right : Steelers ornament

Special Dates
Left : engaged. Right : married
Still need Mason's 1st Christmas ornament!
Some Favorites!
Top left : Gotta represent Hanukkah too. Top right : ornament from the balloon fiesta when we were in NM for Tara and Jonathan's wedding
Bottom left : love Starbucks! Bottom right : Mickey
The tree!

Happy Holidays everyone!

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