Monday, April 29, 2013

Flower Fields

I've been wanting to go to the Carlsbad Flower Fields for years now. The flower fields are right by the outlet mall in Carlsbad and I've seen the flowers from the road but never actually been. So, I thought it would be fun to plan a family outing and go to the flower fields. And so on Sunday... off we went...

 on the wagon ride
so tired

the girls

fairy and gnome

so much fun and so beautiful!
what a fun sunday family funday!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Palm Springs

Last weekend we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa in Palm Springs. They wanted to come visit with Mason but wanted a change of scenery from the usual so they rented a house in Palm Springs for a week. The best part was... they had a pool in the backyard! How convenient to just wake up in the morning and go for a swim.

Day 1 - ready for the pool mom!

I can float! (with the help of daddy)


Playing with Grandpa

reading my new book from Grandma

Ready for the pool - Day 2!

just chillin' on my floaty
(don't worry I was RIGHT there, just cropped out of the photo)

Reading his new book with Grandma

What a fun trip! Can't wait to see you again soon Grandma and Grandpa!

Friday, April 26, 2013

[Mason] 9 Months.

Mason turned 9 months old on April 18th.
I cannot believe it! Where has the time gone? I think I must have blinked and he aged from 8 months to 9 months. I am slightly freaking out that I have an almost one year old! My life was so different just one year ago and today I cannot imagine my life without this little dude. This week was so scary for me, I kept thinking the worst because that's automatically where my mind goes for some reason. BUT I am happy to say, Mason is HEALTHY! Well, he has an ear infection and probably had some sort of virus this week and that's why he had a fever and was throwing up but if that's the worse that could happen, I will take it! I will spare you all the details, but my poor baby was so constipated yesterday, it was so sad to see, but he finally pooped and is back to his normal self! (for the most part). I think we will now be putting prunes into his regular diet so this doesn't happen again.

But now onto happier things... my sweet NINE month old boy!

love love love that sweet boy

roar! look at my teeth!

i will put anything in my mouth...

nine month stats :
- i weigh 19 lbs 13 oz (that's 36th percentile)
- i am 29.4 inches tall (that's 82nd percentile!)
- the doctor says i am going to be tall and skinny!
- i wore 9 month and 6-12 month onesies for a while but now only wear 6-12 month and 12 month onesies
- i wear 6-12 month pants and shorts
- i still wear size 3 diapers
- i am getting my FIFTH tooth (third one on the bottom)
- i am super talkative when i want to be
... and said my FIRST noticeable word... mama! (mommy was SOOOO happy!)
- i hate wearing socks and pants and am so excited it is getting warmed
- i absolutely LOVE the pool... i even kick my legs like i am swimming
- i love to swing
- i can SIT by myself now... really well!
... i fall gracefully to the side
... but when i fall over backwards, i make a big thump as my legs fling me backwards fast
- i am thisclose to crawling but haven't fully yet
- i went to disneyland for my second trip and went on lots of rides including pirates of the caribbean!
- i went on my second road trip - to palm springs to visit grandma and grandpa
- i love to put anything and everything in my mouth... including my feet! (i am very flexible!)
- i eat three to four 8-oz bottles a day
- i like to eat more solid foods... including the things that mommy and daddy eat
- sweet potatoes are still my favorite food
- i almost always sleep through the night every night
- i can hold myself up if someone props me up to stand but i can't stand on my own yet
- except for my little sickness, i am a very happy baby!

Mommy and daddy love you sweet boy! Happy 9 month birthday! xoxo

Thursday, April 25, 2013


It's SO heartbreaking to have a sick baby. And this sickness has been the worst. We got a call on Monday from daycare that Mason had a fever so Seth went to pick him up. We figured it was just because he is getting another tooth (#5!!!) but when I got home, he didn't look so good. Super pale, super high fever. I got really scared and we took him to urgent care. Of course we gave him some Tylenol before we left so he was pretty happy when we were there. We figured we were there, we would have the doctor check him out anyway. She said everything looked fine and he probably just had a fever because he was teething. While that hasn't happened with any of his other teeth, we said ok and went home. Mason was sleeping when Seth left for work on Tuesday and I didn't have to work until later so I told Seth I would let him know if Mason had a fever when he woke up and if he needed to come home. Mason woke up...with a small fever. I thought maybe he would be ok so I gave him some Tylenol and then fed him and after 4 oz he started coughing and then... threw up. So I called Seth and back home he came. I eventually left for work and poor Mason had a fever all day, slept a TON and ate barely. Same thing Wednesday. Same thing Thursday except my poor boy cried and cried as I was leaving for work. H.E.A.R.T.B.R.E.A.K.I.N.G.
Nothing is worse than having to leave for work while your baby cries because he doesn't feel good and is pain. Nothing. Seth stayed home again and I went to work because I had to do some stuff. I ended up leaving early though to come home to my baby and then we cuddled....

Luckily we already have an appointment tomorrow (supposed to be for his 9 month check up - which is why I waited to post his 9 month pics and stats until I could get his weight and height) so hopefully the doctor can help us. He cries and looks so unhappy and like he is in pain. I just wish my poor baby felt better...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Disneyland with Auntie Stacy

My college friend Stacy was in town last weekend for work and had some free time on Sunday and wanted to go to Disneyland. Of course we said YES! We had actually been wanting to get passes so we took this opportunity to do so. I'm sure most of you are thinking that it is a waste of money to have a pass with a baby, but there's actually a lot of fun stuff to do with kids there and when grandma and grandpa have passes, you can actually still go on adult rides.

We had an incredible day of being at Disneyland from about 8:30am - 9:30pm. Our legs hurt a lot but it was well worth it!!

I wanna go on a ride mom!

Pretty flowers outside Peter Pan 

Just chillin'

Splash Mountain!

His first pair of ears!

Breaking out of jail in Toon Town

Me and Stacy

My boys

Space Mountain
Thank you Auntie Stacy for watching Mason!

Buzz Lightyear