Sunday, June 23, 2013

[Recipe] Chicken Lettuce Wraps and Reese's Pieces Cookies

I love Pinterest. But you wouldn't know it because I almost NEVER make anything I pin. The only thing I have actually made is a couple things for Christmas gifts.
I pin.
And I pin.
And I pin.
And I pin pin pin pin pin.
And I pin some more.
And... you get the idea.

I probably have thousands of pins that I have never done anything with. I have the best of intentions. But I never do them. Most of these pins and recipes. Recipes I SHOULD try because I complain every week that we eat the same boring thing. SO... this week I decided every day we are going to have a new thing that I found on Pinterest. (And actually I have to admit... a couple are from other blogs I read, but I think that counts too, right?)

On tonight's menu : Imitation P.F. Chang's Chicken Lettuce Wraps and for dessert : Reese's Pieces Cookies.
Yum, yum, yum!!!!

The recipes are too long to type out and since it would probably print badly from here anyway, I will just link you to my new favorite items!

Chicken Lettuce Wraps
It is from a new blog that I just stumbled upon based on trying this item. And I love it! She has some amazing sounding and looking recipes!!!!

courtesy of

my lettuce wraps

Mine didn't look quite the same as the website's but they tasted great!! I highly recommend them. We had ours with a side of potstickers from Costco.

Now onto dessert... the best part of course!

Please, please, please. If you listen to nothing else from me, listen to this. Read the instructions! I didn't read the whole thing and was completely disappointed when I read that I had to let the dough refrigerate before I could make the cookies. Total bummer.

I had my expert taste taster, Seth, try the cookies and this is what he said (he had his mouth full of cookie at the time) "therrrrr freakinnnnn gooood" which means he really liked them. LOL. I would have to agree. Not to toot my own horn but... they are freakin' good! But don't forget a glass of'll need it!

courtesy of

love, love, love my kitchen aid mixer!!!!
it was a hand-me-down from my step mom and i use it ALL the time


my cookie

didn't quite look the same but
tasted amazing!!

Enjoy!!! Oh, I'll end with a picture of my big boy... holding his own water cup now! He picks it up, sips his water, and puts it down throws it on the floor all by himself!

1 comment:

  1. Y-U-M!!! Pinterest is seriously the best thing to ever happen to the 'cook' in me. I make new stuff I find on there almost every week-so awesome! Side note: can't believe your little guy is almost ONE!


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