Friday, March 7, 2014

Lucky Charms Treats

Joining the lovely ladies behind the Lucky {Recipe} Link Up to bring you one of my new favorite 
St. Patty's Day recipes...Lucky Charms Treats!

I'll be honest. I never used to be overly excited about St. Patrick's Day before Mason. I mean, I wore green and all to avoid getting pinched, but I was never overly in to the rest of the holiday aspect. But in the past couple years (and especially last year), I have gotten more into the holiday spirit. We celebrated last year by having a Green Day (not to be confused with listening to Green Day all day).

 It started off by Mason using some green utensils, followed by dressing in green and taking pictures, followed by visiting the farmer's market and buying green fruits and veggies, and finally off to Grandma Judy's house for cornbeef and cabbage. I never used to eat cornbeef and cabbage before I married into Seth's family (and my brother-in-law's family) but I have quickly grown to love it and look forward to St. Patty's Day dinner every year.

This year, I wanted to do something special for Mason. I've been scouring Pinterest for fun activities to do on the weekend before (since St. Patty's falls on a Monday and I will be at work). Mason isn't overly into crafts and activities yet, but I always keep trying. The last time we tried an art activity was for Valentine's Day and that ended in...crying. Mostly by Mason but almost by me too. So we might try to keep these activities a little more simple.

I came across a recipe for green rice krispy treats and fully intended on making those until I came across these babies : Lucky Charms Treats. The recipe comes from one of my favorite foodie bloggers, Shay Shull from Mix and Match Mama. I've been making various of her recipes for a while now and they are all delicious so when I saw this one, I knew it was good. And the best part? It's only 3 simple ingredients!

3 tablespoons butter
5 cups marshmallows
6 cups Lucky Charms cereal

In a microwavable bowl, melt your butter (about 30 seconds or so).  Once melted, add in your marshmallows and coat with melted butter.  Microwave another minute and a half or so until marshmallows are melted.  Remove from microwave and immediately pour over cereal.  Mix well and then spread in a greased 8x8 baking dish (for thicker treats) or a 9x13 baking dish (for thinner treats).  Spray a spatula with Pam and press it over the top to get the cereal to stay put in the baking dish.

Let the bars cool in the baking dish about 20 minutes before slicing into them.
Cut into squares and enjoy!

Recipe courtesy of Mix and Match Mama

My sous chef clearly enjoyed them! And so did my husband. 
He said he liked them better than regular rice krispy treats.
We will definitely be making these again next year!


  1. Totally want to try these soon! Love those yummy Lucky Charm marshmallows!!

  2. Love these! They look amazing! And you have such a cute little helper! Thanks for linking up!


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