Monday, August 11, 2014

[BOY MOMS] Becky from bybmg

Hi! I'm Becky. Wife to Russ. Mama to Henry (4) and Wesley (1). I've been blogging for about a year and a half at bybmg. Middle school teacher is my full-time gig. Over at bybmg, I write about what I wear, mommyhood, crafting, and thrifting among other things. I love sweets, all things pumpkin, sewing, thrifting (mostly for clothes), avoiding housework, and making life fun for my boys. I have a small Etsy shop where I sell things made from Toms flags, metal stamped necklaces, and a few of my other creations. I love to meet and connect with others online, so connect with me and say hello!

I'm a mom. A mom of boys. Two boys to be exact. We hope to have a third child someday. It may end up being another boy. As much as I feel like I really should be a mom of girls because of my love of fashion, shopping, crafting, and otherwise, right now, I'm raising two super heroes.  Below is a list of some things I'm learning while raising them.

Some of these may well apply to princess, too, but boys are all I know right now.


1. Cars and trucks will end up in unexpected places.

2. Slinging webs can happen anywhere and will turn a grumpy super hero into a smiling one.

3. They need frequent cuddles. Along with web-slinging, cuddles can solve a lot.

4. Super heroes may not agree with your wardrobe choices and choose their own. 

5. They need creative outlet.

6. They may photo bomb your pictures. 

7. They love to be dangerous.

8. And messy.


9. They need to be outside as often as possible. (Winter makes them CRAZY!)

10. They need one-on-one time with their mama. 

Mamas of boys. What have I missed? Share in the comments!

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If you would like to share a post about you and your son, email me at .
I would love to feature you! You don't have to have a blog to participate!


  1. Haha. So true, all of them! (I can attest since I have a 3-year-old super hero of my own.)

  2. Following you via bloglovin. Please stop by. Rachel xo

  3. This is so sweet, Becky! We haven't discovered super heros - yet. But I'm fully expecting to very soon!

    1. I remember Henry's cousin who is the same age was into them way before Henry. I think he was about 3 when he fully discovered them. Now he's a bit obsessed!

  4. Stopping by from BYBMG. I had to come read this post when I saw the title of it! When I first got pregnant, I was prepared for a girl. It wasn't that I truly cared 1 way or another about what the baby's sex was, but all my friends had girls. I saw them raise their daughters and thought, "I can handle this." Then we went for our gender reveal and it was a boy! What?! I was super happy, but I wondered what was I getting myself into with a boy, just because it was an unknown. Now I couldn't imagine it any other way.

    Tif @ Bright on a Budget


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