Tuesday, November 11, 2014

[Fall Bucket List] Fall Date Weekend

Thank you all so much for the happy anniversary wishes last week!!!!

 Seth and I were lucky enough to be able to sneak away for a couple days to Santa Barbara for our anniversary, just the two of us, and it was SO NICE - and our first weekend away from Mason. Seth's mom watched him and they had the best weekend together. It was a total win-win.

Unfortunately, we left Santa Barbara at 6:45am yesterday, got home at 9:30am, got ready for work, and then went to work. I got home at 8pm, had a quick dinner, ate a cupcake, and prepped this post. You would think that not having our child alarm clock with us that we would have slept amazingly all weekend but sadly that was not the case. Moral of the story? I am an awful blogger and went to sleep at 9:30pm and will be re-capping you on our amazing weekend in two parts on Wednesday and Thursday.

So instead of all the fabulous details that you would like (I promise, they are coming!), I will leave you with these little teasers.


Now, tell me!
What Fall fun have you been up to?

Pick an item, celebrate Fall, and link up with us!
I would love to see how you and your family are spending Fall.

 Desiree at Macke Monologues | Stephanie at Wife Mommy Me | Elizabeth at Chasin' Mason


  1. Sometimes it's good to be a "bad blogger" lol. Glad you had a fun weekend and can't wait to hear more about it! We've yet to go away without noah... How was it?

  2. Sometimes coming home from vacation is the worrrrrrrst! It's so hard to get back to the routine and get all the affairs back in order! It always takes me multiple days to recoup and get back in my groove, HA! Loooove the teasers!

  3. Looks like you had a lot of good food and drink! Looking forward to the recaps :) I've only ever spent a handful of nights away from my daughter, and never more than 1 night at a time. I bet it was so nice to have some quality couple time!

  4. MMM :) that looks WONDERFUL! I love that penny wall is that a restaurant?! Alright -- you've got me excited with your teaser! I'll have to stay tuned!

  5. What a fun getaway! Can't wait to hear more about it.

  6. Lol love it!!!! I'm a horrible blogger at night time too! If it doesn't get done at nap time or before 4pm you can pretty much forget about it. Looks like y'all had an amazing date weekend though!! :) :)

  7. I cannot wait for more details to go with those amazing pictures! Eeek! :)

    Mandie ~ http://badbrewpack.blogspot.com/

  8. hm is it still fall?!! I move right over to 'winter' after october. I feel like I can just make up my own seasons since we don't really have any. It's a thing!

    I love that you guys got away, and I'm intrigued by the monk? cut out! mainly you made me hungry though...for pizza, soup, nachos, and a cupcake. I'm very impressionable.

  9. I feel like we totally missed out on so much fun "fall" activities this year. I can't wait until next fall when Mim is a bit older and can participate in the adventures. Happy Anniversary!

  10. Looks like a blast, can't wait for the details. Not a bad blogger sleep > blogging any day :D.

  11. Neither Scott nor I has been up to Santa Barbra, and I'm DYING to go for a weekend! Your snippets look awesome, and I can't wait to see all the places you visited, and get some great recommendations!

  12. Glad y'all had a good anniversary and can't wait to read about the weekend. Love the pictures!

  13. What a fun weekend! I can't wait to celebrate with you on Friday... celebrate what? Blogging and friends and Mommas.


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