Wednesday, September 23, 2015

[Birthday Weekending] Food, Friends, Fun + our September Date.

This past Saturday, September 19th, was my 31st birthday. I can't remember the last time my birthday was on a Saturday (let alone any weekend day) so I wanted to take full advantage! If I had to label the weekend, I'd give it three words : relax and eat. Yep, the theme of the weekend was definitely eating!

But let's start at the beginning. The weekend technically started on Friday when I unexpectedly ended up watching my nieces all day. I picked them both up from school, we had lunch, we got Yogurtland, we played, and we had the best time! After Seth got off work, he brought Mason over and Papa later joined. We had pizza, we scootered, and we went to the park. It was a great way to kick off birthday weekend!

Then Saturday rolled around and it was my actual birthday. The big 3-1. I made a big deal about being "old" on my post on Friday, but in reality, I don't think I'm old. Sometimes I can't believe I am old enough to have a child and to be in charge of another human being. And then other times I feel like an old woman when I want to go home at 9pm and go to bed. Haha.

We started off the morning by dropping Mason off at ABA therapy. And thus began date morning/early afternoon. It's not really how I intended on spending our September date, but I feel like we've gotten more than our fair share of dates this month so I'll take what I can get. We stopped by Target on the way home and then hung out for a bit before meeting our friends for a birthday brunch celebration. We went to this yummy restaurant called Plums Cafe at 11am. We had mimosas (and bloody mary's for those who like them - me yuck!) and I had this DELICIOUS dutch baby. I'd never had one before, but let's just say - SO GOOD and SO BIG. After we were done eating, we headed to another local place for one more drink before Seth and I had to go pick Mason up.

Saturday night, we met up with Desiree, Scott, Marcus, and Julia for dinner. It was Desiree's birthday on the 16th and I suggested that if they weren't busy, that we meet up for a birthday celebration on Saturday night. Luckily for us, they were free, and we met at Nick's in Long Beach and had some delicious buttermilk fried chicken for dinner and this amazing dessert called butter cake. TO. DIE. FOR. We had the BEST time and were so happy to be able to celebrate with Desiree and Scott. The visit wasn't long enough but the kids were getting antsy so we all headed home. Poor Marcus wanted to play with Mason so bad and kept asking if Mason could come over to play Mario Kart. Sweet boy was so upset when we said we all had to go home so we'll be setting up a play date ASAP to fix that! LOVE when blog friends become real life friends and extra bonus points when the husbands get along so well too!

Sunday we met our friends Lauren and Seth at a local park to ride mini trains. You guys, this place is like a hidden gem! I had NO idea it even existed. Luckily they live nearby and found it. They have free (free!) train rides on the 3rd weekend of the month. We happened to be free in the morning and were so happy we could meet them. I wish I could have taken more pictures, but they don't let you use your phone (or camera) during the train ride for fear than the train will de-rail. The track is THAT small. I hope to go back again soon and take more pictures. It's seriously the coolest place and we would have ridden more times if it weren't so hot.

After the train, we ran errands like normal and I did a bunch of laundry and went grocery shopping. I also managed to convince Seth that we NEEDED to go to See's candy because you know, chocolate doesn't have calories on your birthday, so we NEEDED to get some and by some miracle, it worked. Mason pointed to every candy in the case but when given the free sample, he said "no no". Is he my kid? Oh well, more for me!

And then at night, the eating continued! It was our family birthday celebration time and we went out to WoodRanch. I seriously love this restaurant and knew I wanted to go for my birthday. I didn't take any pictures at dinner, but I'll recap it for you - the most delicious bread, tri tip, mac and cheese, and bundtinis from Nothing Bundt Cakes for dessert. I swear it's a miracle I didn't gain 20 pounds by Monday. If only I had pulled a Mason and ran up and down the walkway and up and down the stairs to the movie theater in the 95 degree heat, it probably would have helped with all the eating I did. The only time he stopped running was to stare at the fountain (and Seth and I stopped chasing to make sure he didn't climb IN to the fountain).
And there you have it, birthday weekend in a (large) nutshell! Nothing overly fancy but perfect none the less!

Oh, and if you didn't catch it on Monday, don't forget to enter our favorite things giveaway! I've teamed up with some of my favorite bloggers who also happen to be September babies and we're giving you the opportunity to celebrate our birthdays with us. Check out the rafflecopter below! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a great birthday weekend! As I get older birthdays really are about being with family, eating good food, and trying to relax! And I totally agree with you, sometimes I feel old (like when I say my age or go to bed early), and then other times I think how am I old enough to have an almost 3 year old! I have friends I graduated with still posting pictures of going to the bar or traveling all over the world... Very different life ;)

  2. I love that you and Desiree got to celebrate together - total bonus that your husbands get along too. I'm always like we must meet all the blog friends!!! And Chris is like, can I not be there? lol.
    Dutch babies are goooood! I think. I call them german pancakes. They are super easy to make at home! Unless of course they are not the same thing lol. I think they just are called lots of slightly different names.
    Sounds like a great birthday weekend - theme food is always my fave. We are excited for Food & Wine soon, theme food all the way. Maybe I should fast until then.

  3. Ah I just love seeing the two of you together. It mus have been so awesome to get to celebrate together too.

    I have never had a dutch baby either and now I am 100% convinced that I am missing out and need to fix this asap!

  4. Sounds like a fabulous birthday weekend!

  5. Sounds like the best birthday weekend! I love that you and Desiree were able to get together! Jealous, but happy for y'all! :)

  6. This sounds like perfection! Birthdays should really be celebrated over multiple days, in my opinion :)

  7. What an amazing weekend! So great that you get to see Desiree!

  8. What an awesome weekend and wonderful birthday celebrations!! All that food sounds delicious. :) Plus meeting up with blogger friends, I'm so jealous!!
    I TOTALLY feel the same way--there's no way I'm old enough to have two kids, but at a concert the other day I thought it was way too loud.. :p

  9. So much fun! So much food!!
    I'm so glad we were able to get together to celebrate! Next time it's a play date for the boys, for sure.

  10. Happy belated! I always LOVE it when my birthday falls on a Saturday! That's the best! Sounds like you had a great time, I love the mini train pics! Have a wonderful year!

  11. 1. damn you for posting pictures of such delicious food.
    2. im sometimes alarmed that i'm allowed be a "grown up" too. and have TWO tiny humans to look after!

  12. Your birthday weekend was the best! I love that you and D could celebrate together... but I may very well be jealous, too! :)

  13. I am so behind on reading posts! Love your weekend recap- sounds like you had a grat birthday! And all that food! Now I'm super hungry :)


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