Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Mason's New Big Boy Bed!

I was going to wait to share Mason's new bed until after I re-decorate his room, but re-decorating is proving to be harder than I thought (I want to change a lot but not a lot all at the same time - confusing, I know), so I thought I'd share his bed before his room.

For Christmas, Seth's mom (Nanny) got Mason a new bed. I picked out this bed (the twin version in espresso) with the drawers for storage underneath. She had it sitting in her living room for ages before we finally had a free weekend to take apart his crib and to build his big boy bed (that and the mattress was on backorder so we were also waiting for that to come in before we transitioned him). That weekend finally came about a month ago (back in January) and we were finally able to transition Mason from his toddler bed to his big boy twin bed.

To say Mason LOVES his new bed would be an understatement. He LOOOOOOVES it. As you can tell from the picture below, he was SO excited about it from minute one.

Originally I had no idea what kind of sheets I wanted to get him. Since he doesn't really talk, he doesn't really express any particular interest in one thing or another so I knew asking him what he wanted was going to be no help. I had been searching online and had seen some cars sheets or all things automotive sheets that I had been leaning towards, but I wasn't sold.

So, when I came across these ADORABLE dinosaur sheets on sale the weekend after Christmas at Pottery Barn Kids, I knew these were it. Mason's been really excited about wearing his shirt with the dinosaurs on it so I knew he would be over the moon for these dinosaur sheets. I also picked up this quilt and this pillow sham. And Nanny picked up the decorative pillows (dinosaur / awesome) for the bed as well.

Seth and his mom ordered the mattress from Sears the weekend after Christmas as well and it arrived in the very beginning of January. I'm not totally sure what the brand is, but it's basically just your standard twin mattress.

We also picked up a side rail from Babies R Us to make sure that he doesn't fall out of bed. He is a pretty crazy sleeper and now that his bed is significantly higher up from the ground than his crib was, I was worried about him falling out of bed in the middle of the night and hurting himself. I've checked on him on the monitor and found him full on sleeping against the rail, so I'd say adding that to the bed was a good choice. It has already saved him from falling out of bed on more than one occasion.

Out of everything, I think Mason was the most excited about helping Daddy build his bed...

... and I'm most excited about the fact that we can both fit on the bed together and I can read him books. I mean, have you ever tried to fit in a crib (turned toddler bed) with your child? It is pretty much impossible. And though it hasn't happened yet, should the occasion arise, I would now be able to sleep in the bed with him over night (to comfort him) instead of having to sleep on the floor.

So, overall, everyone is loving this new milestone. While it officially means that my baby is no longer a baby, I'd say this transition has been one of the best! Thankfully he took to it well and has been excited to sleep in his new bed ever since!

I tried to link to all the items we got for his bed, but if you have any questions about where I got anything, just leave a comment below!


  1. That's a pretty awesome big boy bed! I love the sheets and comforter and the decorative pillows add such a fun pop. Cam has a rail too and it eases my mind to have it on his bed. Can't wait to see you what you do with the rest of his room.

  2. I love his bed and the sheets! You are seriously making me want to change Noah's car theme to dinosaurs! And I'm realizing maybe I'm the only one who grew up with no headboards. Noah's bed is just on the wheeled frame, as is my and Chris' bed!

  3. i am in LOVE with his dinosaur bedding!! its seriously the cutest (errr handsomest?). . . and it looks like mason happens to agree too!

  4. Love his bed and bedding! So cute and fun! He looks so excited! I totally understand you on the lack of communication. I have been trying to decide what to get our soon to be 4 year old for his birthday and it's hard to know what to get since his communication is limited. I've started showing him pictures and just seeing what he gravitated towards. Love the letters on the wall too! It's always sad when they go to a bed but exciting too! Have fun with it all!!

  5. I love the big boy bed & sheets & pillows! Mason looks so proud in all of the pictures, but I especially love the second one. He looks so grown up!

  6. So cute, and what little boy wouldn't love dinosaur sheet?! Eventually we're going to have to upgrade Baby Fox's bed, but for now race car bed it is :)

  7. LOVE everything about his new bed..!! Especially how happy his face is (glad it was a smooth transition). :) Everything goes together perfectly. Having the extra storage underneath has got to be great too.

  8. I love his sheets! Those pillows are awesome too :)

  9. SO cute! Love the sheets, pillows and that green. It is perfect!

  10. SO cute! Love the sheets, pillows and that green. It is perfect!

  11. Man, I want that bed too! Very cool. He does look real excited about it. :)

  12. So, so cute! I love the drawers underneath! Our boys have unbunked bunk beds, and I wish we had drawers or something under there because it can be such a waisted space!

  13. I love everything about his room - it's all so, so cute!

  14. He looks so excited to have his big boy bed - and I love the sheets you chose!!

  15. LOVE the drawers under that bed!! And the letters on his wall! What a cute room!

  16. Love love love the bedding! What a cute little bed! Those pillows are perfection and I love the sheets! Awesome decorating, mama!

  17. Love his new bed!!!!! He's so excited and it is the cutest!

  18. How fast has he just grown up?! My goodness that smile. I can't wait to see the complete reveal!!!

  19. When I comment it comes up under my husbands email. But my name is Janel, so don't think I am a man creeper, LOL! I absolutely LOVE the bedding you chose for Mason!

    1. Hi Janel! Thank you so much!! I'm not sure if you'll see this or not, but when you comment on blogs, make sure you're logged into your email. I have that problem often since I have 2 gmails (one personal and one for the blog). If I'm not logged into my personal one (the one associated with my blogger profile), then it shows up as my name but not my email and I come up as a no-reply commenter (like you did, which was why I couldn't email you back). Hopefully that helps :) Thanks for your sweet comment!

  20. He looks so happy! That bed is awesome, too. Love the storage space!

  21. Congratulations on such a smooth transition! I have heard a lot of kids don't do as well switching out of a crib. Go Mason!

  22. Looks like you picked the right sheets - you can tell that he is pumped!!

  23. I love everything you picked! The awesome and dinosaur pillows are probably my favorite! And I just have to say that I love Mason pictures...his joy just radiates through the computer screen!!

  24. I adore his new bed, bedding and especially his precious little excited smile. His room is perfect and so adorable. And I think it’s a theme that he will enjoy for a while. All boys love Dinosaurs!! And yes, I remember the days of trying to lay with Mason in his crib-turned-toddler-bed. Not fun at all! And for that reason alone we didn’t keep the toddler bed up for long. Ha!

  25. YAY for the big boy bed!! I love the sheets and comforter, and the pillows - so cute!! Those storage drawers are awesome. Marcus has those under his bed, too, and I absolutely love that we can store all his spare sheets, mattress covers, and blankets there. Bonus storage for the win!!
    I'm also insanely jealous of your cute photo gallery in Mason's room. I always have the best intentions to hang photos in the kids rooms, but then lose all ambition to actually do it.

  26. Love the dinosaurs! And being able to read books in bed is such a nice game changer.

  27. oh I looove it! Storage. amen. Dinos. woo hoo! That smile. the best! Nice call on the rail. And ha omosh I'd love to fit in Aria's bed. I sit on the floor when we read in her bed.


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