Thursday, February 4, 2016

[Thoughts on Thursday] Confessions

Sticking with what appears to be my theme for the year so far (confessions on the first Thursday of the month), I'm back today with more things that I must confess...

I must confess that...

... I wish that Costco sold the hot dogs that they sell in their food court in the regular part of the store. I'd totally buy a huge pack of those babies and keep them in my freezer. SO GOOD.

... I've only ever changed the diaper genie TWICE in the past 3.5 years that we've been using it. #winning

... if I wake up in the middle of the night and have to use the bathroom, I don't flush the toilet (only if it's #1, I always flush for #2 - TMI, I know). It may be gross, but I'd rather wait until the morning to do so for fear that the sound of the toilet flushing in the middle of the night will wake Mason up.

... speaking of not waking Mason up... if I fall asleep on the couch at night and then wake up at whatever time in the morning to go upstairs, I always skip the squeaky stairs on the way up... again for fear of waking him up.

... I think I am paranoid. The kid sleeps through pretty much ANYTHING.

... I have become so used to my iPhone's autocorrect and my computer's (MacBook Pro) autocorrect that when I am on my computer at work (a PC) and accidentally make a mis-type, I get SUPER annoyed that it doesn't automatically correct to what it should be. Can't you tell I just accidentally mixed up two letters???

... I actually don't hate laundry. I think I might be the only one to say that but the actual act of doing laundry is not awful. Now... putting AWAY the laundry is the WORST. I literally would rather turn on the dryer 20 times to fluff the laundry than actually put it away.

... in the winter time, I only shave my legs once a week (if that).

... I never knew I always wanted seat warmers in my car. I'd never had them before but when I bought my car, it came with them. And now? Now I can't imagine my life without them.

... when it was summer, I wanted it to be winter, you know, so I could wear all. the. scarves. Now that it's winter, I realized that I actually need to wear more than just a scarf to keep me warm. In my mind, winter = scarves. But apparently winter = scarves + sweaters + jackets + even gloves sometimes.

... I usually read blogs at night unless I can sneak some time in in the morning. The other night I decided to lay down on the couch and read, which turned out to be a bad idea because I LITERALLY fell asleep in front of the computer while trying to type and leave a comment. Luckily Seth was still awake and he moved my computer for me so I didn't knock it off the couch and on to the floor.

And there you have it! Can you relate to any of my confessions?


  1. Yes to the toilet flushing! I don't mind laundry at all and I don't even mind putting it away. I'll take any chore besides cleaning the bathroom! And I'm cracking up at you about seat warmers and scarves. How cold is it even over there? I mean I love my seat warmers but I even thought I didn't need them yesterday because it was 45... So warm lol! And this weekend we were walking around without coats because it was in the 50s :)

  2. I agree with so many of your confessions! The hot dogs, shaving legs, seat warmers, laundry, auto-correct! Yessssss.

  3. Shaving legs in the winter is dumb.... you need something to hold your socks up! ha!!

  4. Same with toilet flushing! Hahahaha. And I was just thinking out shaving my legs this morning... cause they are in a BAD way. My poor husband haha!

  5. I'm the same way with the toilet at night! Funny because I'm sure it wouldn't wake her, but you can never be too careful!

    I actually get so annoyed with auto correct. I can't tell you how many times I've typed words correctly and my phone or work Mac change them and make them incorrect. I don't get it.

  6. Once a week?! That's way more than me! I only shave if I know I'm going to the gym and will be in close proximity to others. My poor husband. Also, I have an aversion to putting laundry away. Why is it so hard? I usually wait until it piles up so high I can't deal with it any longer.

  7. I can totally relate to your confessions! I'm the same way when it's winter I want it to be summer and when its' summer I want cold!!! What's wrong with us?!?! lol

  8. So many I can relate to. Flushing in the middle of the night, totally. And my next car will have seat warmers!


  9. Laundry is my favorite chore and I don't get why people hate it so much! It's easy, smells nice, and there's instant gratification of the hampers not overflowing.

  10. I totally don't flush in the middle of the night either! You never know with these kids man ;) and hot dogs!!! I'm going to Costco today and I'm already wishing they sold them in the regular part too!

  11. Oh the flushing! Here, too!

    I'm the exact same way with the laundry
    I will wash & fold over & over, but to actually put it away is the worst!

  12. Oh gosh- so many of these, yes! We always have clean laundry, but putting it away takes time I don't have right now. And yep to the flushing :) And I don't know about your Costco, but ours has occasionally sold the same hot dogs in their freezer area, and it says on the package that they're the same one sold in Costco food courts. They're soooo good!

  13. haha I'm the same with the toilet. Chris hates it. I'm like nope nope nope. And when he flushes the toilet I get annoyed lol. sleep is king

  14. Girl, we are soul sisters! I don't flush (unless #2) at night either for the same fear. And if I need to go upstairs during nap time I tiptoe as quietly as possible. Ha ha! I shook my head yea for just about everything you shared. :)

  15. Uh yes, folding laundry is actually kind of calming for me. I knew which stair to always skip at my parents' that was squeaky. Don't ask how often I shave in the winter, but get yourself one of those ridiculously expensive soap/razor shaver things and it might happen 2x a week.. Now I want a hot dog, real bad. :)

  16. I can relate to every single one of these! Especially the flushing the toilet! haha...and yes I have squeeky floors and avoid those spots when i'm leaving for work, haha! :)

  17. I can relate to some of these, like the laundry one. The worst part of laundry is the part that comes after you have to take stuff out of the dryer, haha!

  18. Umm I can relate to soooo many! I too CAN'T STAND laundry...lately I watch Call the Midwife while folding it makes it not so bad. Don't flush at night, LOVE my seat warmers! However, I am crazy about shaving my legs, I can't sleep if I don't! Loved this post!

  19. Girl, I can totally relate! I love laundry but the very last load seriously sits overnight in the dryer because I just cant fold another load (I do it all in one day and tap out on load 4) And shaving off hair thats there for warmth doesn't make sense lol.

  20. I'm so embarrassed to admit it, but I shave my legs about once every month in the winter!! Gross, I know, but what does it matter!?

  21. Imagine being in Ohio and having to layer up every single time you go outside starting in December through February. From head to toe. It's fun for a while then it just sucks and you skip layers and just freeze.

  22. Totally don't flush in the middle of the night. I mean, I'm saving water AND not waking anyone up. Wins all around.
    Who shaves in the winter?! That's what pants are for.
    I'll leave a load of laundry in the dryer, and hit the "touch up" button for a solid two days if I can. Who has time to put clothes away?!
    And this: "even gloves sometimes." HAHA! You do know in some places gloves are mandatory all of the time?! :)

  23. I love my car seat heaters! I call them my "seaters" and I'll never got back to a car without them. An on an unexpected funny note, my phone kept trying to correct that to "sweaters" and I was getting mad that it was correcting. Haha!

  24. I live in constant fear that I will wake honey children! But my kids are super light sleepers unfortunately!

  25. Okay, how I want to go to Costco and try out the hotdogs! I've never had one. ;) We used to do that with toilets, but now Mason is such a heavy sleeper that it doesn't even phase him! I'm with you on the laundry thing. I love the smell of fresh laundry and doing it doesn't bother me...but I loathe putting it away! And I don't shave that often in the winter either. I'm always in pants anyways! haha.


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