Wednesday, July 6, 2016

[Thoughts on Wednesday] Confessions

Being a rebel again and confessing on a Wednesday...

I must confess...

... that I promised to have a 4th of July recap up today and then... I got lazy and didn't want to edit the pictures. You'd think with a 4-day weekend, turned 5-day weekend since I had yesterday off too, that I'd be able to pull through, but nope. Hopefully tomorrow! No promises this time :)

... that at first I was SUPER annoyed that we found out last week Wednesday (Thursday?) that Mason's school would be closed on July 5th as well. What the what? Since when do you get an extra day off for the 4th of July? I had already planned to have off Friday, July 1st and then obviously the 4th for the holiday, and then I felt slightly guilty about taking off the 5th too. Thankfully my job is SO flexible like that, but I thought, with all the festivities happening over the weekend, it would be nice to have a family day, and that's just what we did. Thank you school for "forcing" me to have an extra, extra long weekend with my family. Can you make this happen for Labor Day too?

... that I get all this motivation and get a bunch of stuff half done and then lose my motivation. For example, I started making an autism tab for the top bar on the blog that will have information about Mason and a link to my most popular/favorite blog posts as well as the rest of my autism related posts, and then... I haven't finished it. I started updating Mason's room this weekend by ordering and printing new prints but then... I haven't finished it. I have a billion blog posts drafted and half finished... but not fully finished. I just need more time!

... that this weekend when I went grocery shopping, I felt like that lady in the Facebook video where she goes on a major rant that her grocery store changed around everything and she couldn't find anything anymore. Yep. That was me. I wish I could find the video on Facebook (I tired!) because I literally wanted to go on the same rant. Hopefully you know which video I'm referring to! I knew they were renovating our store but I didn't know they were totally reorganizing EVERYTHING as well. I mean, I walked in for 3 things and it took 20 minutes to find them. There is literally bread where the water used to be, toilet paper where the crackers used to be, and yogurt where the orange juice used to be. Sure, the organization seems better and probably makes more sense, but I literally can't find anything anymore. The helpful customer service man had to give me a map! AND I used it!

... that I got a pedicure a little over a week ago and just the other day, my big toe nail cracked. It's not as gross as it sounds, but I'm now missing a small chunk of the top right side of my toe nail and it makes me so mad! I can usually go about a month between pedicures because they look so good and last so long and all I want to do now is go get it fixed. Three weeks and counting...

... that I think my kid is over napping and it makes me SO SAD. My productivity on weekends is going to go down immensely! I'm not ready for this! It could just be our crazy weekend schedule but literally EVERY time we got in the car, he'd fall asleep. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday we didn't even bother trying to get him to nap since we were on the go, but he fell asleep in the car each day. Then today, I wanted him to nap and he was yawning since like 10am, so when we tried to put him down at 1pm, I thought I was going to be golden. Nope. He cried and screamed and then I turned around and he had made his way downstairs (past the gate on his room - yes, he's almost four and I have a gate on his room, I'm paranoid that somehow he'll open the door in the middle of the night and fall down the stairs). I gave up on the nap and opted to grocery shop instead and what happened? Five minutes before we got to the store, dead asleep. The kid is killing me! Luckily I was with Seth, so he stayed in the car and I ran in so Mason could actually nap, but seriously?? I guess he's a car napper now...

... that yesterday we went to our regional park as a family and rented one of those single surrey bikes (pics to come tomorrow or on my Instagram from yesterday). Literally maybe five minutes in and I thought my legs were going to fall off. It was actually an amazing work out, but let's just say it was wayyyyyyyyy more working out than I'm used to and I came home and took an Advil since I could tell my legs were starting to hurt already. (I can hear you laughing from here!) Luckily it worked and my legs feel great now!

That's all for today! Can you relate to any of my confessions?


  1. I hate when stores reorganize! Costco is always moving stuff around and I hate it. We love renting surreys! Sorry to hear about the maybe no more naps. :(

  2. This weekend has me all kinds of confused but one thing I do know for sure is that even though it doesn't feel like a Wednesday it is in fact Wednesday, YAY! Our Mason most days will only nap in the car usually a few minutes from home or like an hour before bedtime :( Can't wait to see your 4th pictures!

  3. Snaps of that bike looked so fun! I'm with ya on the pedi. I have a chip on my big toe and I soooo want to go get it all redone.

  4. I loved your snaps from yesterday - and I too would probably be sore! I know that those surrey bikes are definitely a workout; we rented one in Disney one time and it was a lot of work. And I'm with you on motivation- I get gung-ho on getting something accomplished, but then halfway through I decide I want to take a break, and never get back to it :) Also, pedicure- yep! I've only ever had 1 in my life, but I think I need to do it again!

  5. Ugh, when the grocery store changes everything around...that's the worst!!

  6. A world without naps is so flipping bizarre right? I find myself feeling more guilty than I did when they napped. But we have things we HAVE to do. Aldi switched around their entire store once and I pretty much freaked out. Are you sure that I'm not the one in that video. It was SO bad.

  7. You should come here and we can take a surrey ride down the coast- so pretty! Glad you had so many days off! Such a treat. I feel you on low productivity, lets blame it on summer vibes.

  8. Store reorganization drives me nuts and my OCD goes crazy!! I am sad Cam is over naps. Boo!!

  9. Ahhhh! Did you peek around at what goes through my head? Monkey Boy is over naps, too. They've always been hard, but he's really over them now...unless we get in the car. A literal 5 minute drive will put him out!

    The posts and drafts and laziness and motivation and Time, blessed time; I know All of that! :)

  10. At least you have motivation to start a new tab on your blog. I haven't updated my "About Me" section since before Julia was born... Oops.
    Our Ralph's did some reno work and rearranged a few things, and it's SO annoying. Most of the store is the same, but a few things are not where they used to be!
    Nooooo. Car naps! I swear, those are the most wasted naps of all time. *They* get to sleep, however, all you're stuck doing is driving. And then, once the driving stops so does the nap. Ugh!

  11. Oh yes, that sounds like the transition we went to when Noah started to not nap. Does he still nap at school? And you are cracking me up at the grocery store because that kind of thing drives me crazy too! I hate going to a new grocery store and not being able to find things. Costco often bugs me cause I have the hardest time finding things!

  12. I hate, hate, HATE when the grocery stores move crap. I get in the groove of knowing where everything is & have my system down & they go changing on me. Someone with OCD does not deal with change very well & it makes my anxiety rise. Why can they not leave things alone? *sigh*

  13. haha, those things are more work then you think. When you see people using them you think I can do that... :) I still force my 5 year old to take naps...well force isn't the correct term, make him lay down and he still falls asleep, so not ready for the no nap thing!

  14. I only shop at 3 stores and they are the same ones. No oh we are in the area I'll give this shop a try. No. It makes me angry and I can't find what I'm looking for.


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