Friday, February 17, 2017

[A Year of Color] Pink.

A month or so ago, a couple of my blog friends announced this fun new link up called "A Year of Color". Each month would be a different color theme and you could share whatever you wanted to go along with the theme. I missed last month's "white" theme, but I'm excited to be linking up with Whitney and Desiree this month to share some fun "pink" inspiration.

A couple weeks ago, I was able to take a day off work and meet Desiree, Marcus, and Julia for a fun filled day of the aquarium and a wall crawl through Long Beach. There was one wall that I left out of that post that I wanted to share with you today...

We literally stumbled upon this wall by accident. When we drove by and parked to go to one of the blue walls, I happened to see something bright pink out of the corner of my eye, so I suggested we go check it out. I mean, we were mere feet away, why not? At this point, it had started to rain more, so it was probably a good idea to leave, but Desiree was up for the challenge so we headed over. I knew this wall would be perfect for this prompt so Desiree so kindly snapped a few pictures of me and Mason for the occasion. I just love how they turned out! 

Thank you for taking these gorgeous pictures, Desiree! And for wall hunting with me in the rain :)

Happy Friday!


  1. This wall was perfect for today! I'm so glad you spotted this wall! It was on our original list, but I wasn't sure we'd have time/be able to find it. Good eye!
    That day was so much fun. When is our next ditch day/play date?

  2. This is pink perfection!! Im thinking Ill have to go back a few posts, I missed the wall crawl. You ladies have seriously inspired me to hunt down some murals! I know a few around here but sadly a lot are being painted over :( Thanks for joining us, friend!

  3. More beautiful walls. More cuteness from you & Mason! Love love love.

  4. I can't believe you guys got to hang out and have fun with your kiddos, so jealous. I love this wall, totally worth the rain. ;) Thanks for linking up with Year of Color! This was perfect!

  5. OMG! That wall is so amazing! I love it so much and you and Mason are adorable!! I need to find some cool walls like that.

  6. I just love all of the walls that you two found!!! So much fun! Who knew all these cool walls were around town!

  7. Oh wow! You have some seriously amazing walls out west #jealous. This was perfect for pink!

  8. I'm jealous of y'all's walls! Super cute!

  9. That wall is AMAZING! Thanks for linking up your post this month! XOXO

  10. These photos are adorable and that wall is pure perfection! So great it goes it the color link-up, too!


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