Monday, February 12, 2018

[Mailman Mason Monday] #postofficeadventuresofmasonb #part16

When I last left you, we had gotten through September 29, 2017. We had an event for work on October 15th, December 3rd, and again on January 14th, so today I wanted to share all of our post office adventures between the three events. Unfortunately post office trips with my little sidekick happen less and less frequently due to him being in school in the morning, but we try to sneak them in whenever we can!

So, without further ado, here are the pictures that I've shared on Instagram as well as the captions (+ the emojis!) that I've shared from November 6, 2017 to January 5, 2018.

11.06.17 // Happy Mailman Mason Monday! 📬 I put our mail on a vacation hold while we were gone. Not gonna lie.... I miiiiight have said that I’d pick it up at the post office instead of having the mail man deliver it just so my cute little assistant could help me carry all the (junk 🙄) mail that we got while we were gone. ✉️📮📬

12.02.17 // I always have the goal of sending out my Christmas cards on December 1st and this year... I finally made it! Sent with love by Mason yesterday morning on the way to school. 📬🎄❤️

12.12.17 // Yesterday I opened my door at 7:40am to a surprise package delivery and this morning when we were walking to school and were surprised to see the actual mail truck! ✉️📮📬 The post office workers sure are working hard to get these packages all delivered each day by getting such an early start. I feel like I should probably start leaving some cookies out or something because probably 90% of the time they’re here, it’s for me 😂🙈

12.20.17 // The mailman was out early again today dropping off packages and Mr. Peeping Tom had to take a look at what goodies were inside the truck. “Are these all for me, Mommy?” I told him no, but let’s be real, at least one probably is with the amount of online shopping I’ve been doing lately. 😂😂🙈

12.28.17 // It’s officially been one week since we moved in to our new house and we... finally checked the mail. 🙈 In my defense, our mail forwarding has gotten kind of screwed up so I didn’t really expect there to be any mail, but we had to find the mail box anyway. And to my surprise? LOOK at that cool outgoing mail box on the left!😍 All the heart eyes. Expect to see many more pictures of Mason at these mailboxes! ✉️📮📬

01.05.18 // He finally got to use our cool ‘outgoing’ mailbox this afternoon to mail a few cards that I had to send out. Truth be told, I think I was more excited than he was. 😂✉️📮📬 (Also, don’t be fooled. It wasn’t THAT hot today. We stopped by the mailbox on our way to swim lessons.)


A little back story... When we stopped doing the Picture Perfect Project last year, I stopped sharing Mason's post office pictures on the blog. I had deemed it my "photo project of the year" through the PPP and when it ended, I didn't stop taking pictures of him at the post office, but I forgot to share them here too. I was thinking about it the other day and I want to continue to share them here even though I don't technically "have a reason" to each month. So instead of sharing per month, I'm going to share per event cycle (for my work - essentially why we go to the post office so often). We have seven events per year and as the events approach, we go to the post office more often and as they pass, we go less often.

You can find more of our post office adventures on Instagram here.


  1. His love of the post office is just so dang adorable. I love it. :)

  2. I'm still jealous of your new outgoing parcel box. I wish we had one of those. It would save me SO many trips to the actual PO!


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