Wednesday, February 7, 2018

[New House] Mason's Little Man Cave.

I'm super excited to share some photos with you today of Mason's room at our new house. His room was the first that I started decorating after we moved and is one of the first that we have fully finished. I did this purposely because we wanted him to feel at home right away. Sometimes kids with autism do well with change... and sometimes they don't, so we wanted to be prepared in case the latter happened. Thankfully for us, Mason has done well with both of our moves. I made sure to make sure his room was the first one complete at our apartment when we moved at the end of May last year and I even bought a little "welcome home" gift for him. That transition went well, so I had high hopes for this one too, but being the second move in 6 months, I was worried he would be confused on where "home" was and that this would throw him off. I talked it up for DAYS and luckily he went to school the morning we moved, daycare after school, and then ABA therapy after that, so we kept things normal for him, and when he came home, we really talked up how exciting it was that he had this cool new room. If you follow me on Instagram, you may remember how excited he was when he came home and he even said "thank you, mommy, thank you!" to me when I showed him his room. While I didn't feel like I did anything special, I was super happy that he was so excited about his room, enough so to thank me, completely unprompted.

All that being said, Mason is still in love with his room (and our new house) and I often find him playing in there by himself because he's so excited about everything he has in there. We finally finished his room this weekend (last minute decorating), so I thought I'd share it with you today. It's far from Pinterest worthy, but it's cute and functional and I love how it turned out!

Side note: sorry for the bad lighting. It's either super bright or not bright at all. Opening the blinds made it too bright, the lamp made it awkward colored light, and well, I just went with what I had ;)


from the hallway, looking in.

on his wall right when you walk in.
welcome to his little man cave!

if you walk straight in, this is what you'll see, his bookshelf of sorts.
bookself is the old EXPEDIT from IKEA (I don't know what they call them now?)

the rug is a new addition and from IKEA.
we updated the bins in the bookshelf to green for a pop of color from the black that they used to be.

the DIY art gallery wall moved from the living room to Mason's room and is decorated for Valentine's Day right now.

as you turn, you see his little reading nook.

picture ledges are from IKEA.
M-A-S-O-N letters are from Anthropologie.

next to his reading nook is his bed.

bedding is from PBK.
AWESOME pillow is from PBK.
dinosaur pillow is from Land of Nod.

dinosaur picture is from Target.

next to his bed is his dresser.

next to his dresser is his closet.

next to the closet, we hung his M hook.
he keeps his backpack for school here.
backpack is from PBK.
M hook is from Pottery Barn.

view to the rest of the house.

And there you have it! It's pretty simple yet functional. I don't know if this is how it will stay forever, I'm sure we will change things as he grows up (like add a desk for school work), but for now it has somewhat of a dinosaur theme (with some decor and his bedding), but is just kind of all around "boy" themed mainly, if that can be a theme. He also has some stuff stored in his closet, like board games and such, that don't fit on the bookshelf and we have more toys out in the living room on another EXPEDIT that the TV sits on (seriously, toys EVERYWHERE).

I tried to reference where we got most things, in case anyone was interested, but if you'd like a direct link or have a question about where we got anything that I didn't mention, leave a comment below and I'll be sure to tell you!


  1. Where did you get the M hook his book bag is hanging on? I would love to get one for Connor.

  2. It is really cute. I like all the things with letters, like his name and the Awesome pillow.

  3. What a cute room! I love that his holiday artwork is hanging in there! And I’m sure Noah would love a bright green comforter now that his favorite color has changed from blue to green ;)

  4. Oh it's so cute!! This makes me want to do something with our boys's room!

  5. Great space!! It all looks so good and I’m glad he’s adjusted well.

  6. I love everything about this area. So nice especially the art wall & the reading nook. :)

  7. I love everything about his room! It's cute, it's functional, it's fun! Of course Mason loves it!


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