Tuesday, April 14, 2015

[A Year of Dates] April.

dear guy sitting behind us, thanks for the photo bomb

For our April date, I got tickets to our first Angels game of the season. I knew Seth would want to go to a game, so I figured, what better day than the Saturday of opening weekend for our April date? And since it was opening weekend, it just so happened that they were having a giveaway of a free calendar so we scored two free calendars - one for my co-worker and one for Seth's cubicle at work.

We arrived just on time due to slightly underestimating how much traffic there would be. Apparently everyone wants to go to a game on opening weekend - who knew? So as soon as we got there, we headed to get some food and find our seats. We spent most of the time actually watching the game (since we were alone and weren't constantly trying to make sure that Mason wasn't kicking the person in front of us or run away down the aisles) and taking selfies (at my request - Seth was over it after selfie # 1).

Overall, we had a great time! It wasn't anything overly special or crazy and the Angels actually ended up losing, but we enjoyed just being together and spending time alone, just the two of us. And extra bonus, we got a pretty awesome fireworks show at the end of the game (something they do every Saturday).

Until next month!

You can find our March date here
You can find our February date here
You can find our January date here
Introduction to "A Year of Dates" here


  1. That guy photobombing is my FAVORITE. I always want to bomb people but get totally shy... So I commend him ;) and yay for baseball being BACK!

  2. So fun! Definitely different than when you take Mason... It probably felt boring at times! That's cool they had fireworks at the end!

  3. A year of dates is SO much fun – I think I want to do this next year with my hubby and make it for someone as a shower girl – I just can’t get enough of these! Baseball is the perfect date for April so great there were fireworks too – stadiums always put on the best shows!

  4. How fun that you were there for opening day! One of the things I miss about Seattle is going to Mariners games, or really any professional games!

  5. What a fun date! Can't beat ballpark food :) Love that they do fireworks too; that's awesome! I laughed about Seth being 'over' selfies. Scott is the same way :D

  6. What a fun date! I love all live sporting events. The atmosphere is always so fun!

  7. I love your date nights. They are really important. & what man wouldn't want to go to a baseball game for date night? Loves it! :)

    Mandie ~ http://badbrewpack.blogspot.com/

  8. Fun date!! I was going to say, Seth is such a good sport with selfies, you guys are pretty good at them!! :)

  9. Ha photo bomb guy! What a perfect date!

  10. Girl, how do you get your teeth so white! Can't wait to see what you have planned for your next date. My husband and I need some new ideas to throw in the mix.

  11. Bummed the Angels lost:: Happy you guys had a great date!

  12. Awesome! This is such a fun date night! Ryan and I went to a Cardinals game for our first date, so we love going together and reliving our younger days!

  13. Husbands hate selfies. :) Love the firework photos. Summer can't come soon enough!

  14. Sorry we beat you on date night ;)

    LOL photobomb guy. whattta douche.

  15. Hold up, is that guy flipping yall off??

  16. It is total heaven not having to pay at least 75% attention to the tiny one. It is fun, but definitely not relaxing having them around. So nice to be able to just enjoy something!! I love it. I'm not really a baseball fan but the grass is so festive!

  17. Oh my goodness what a dork! I bet that guy never once thought he would land the stardom of being on your blog, huh?!

    What an absolutely perfect date. That looks like a blast!

  18. Baseball is our April date, too!!! We are going on Saturday!! :) I love that you are documenting these....they are so fun to read about!

  19. The Angels opener sounds so much better than the Dodgers. We went to an opener there one year and I told Scott, NEVER AGAIN!
    We definitely need to do this together some weekend. Maybe sans the boys?
    And all the selfies you were able to get Seth to take, I'm totally impressed. After one selfie Scott usually makes all these ridiculous faces that totally screw with the pictures.

  20. What a fun date! Love this! He's such a sport to take so many selfies! I usually post pictures of beer bc Jake isnt into the photo! Bummer they lost but those fireworks look like lots of fun!

  21. Love it! We are BIG baseball fans around here too! I told my hubs about your year of dates and now he's expecting it as a gift lol, looks like I've got work to do!


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