Even though I tried everything I know... poor Mason still looks terrified lol. At least he didn't cry :)
After Santa, we came home for Mason to take a nap and then we went over to Seth's Grandma's house to celebrate Hanukkah. Me, being the sucker that I am, of course bought festive outfits for Mason to wear. The first one said "I heart Bubbie" which I thought was PERFECT because the great grandkids call Great Grandma, Bubbie. I was so SO happy too because I got some amazing photos of Bubbie with Mason.
Shortly after pictures, we ate dinner, opened presents and had dessert. We also attempted a family photo of Mason's first Hanukkah...
We came home and I was hoping that we could open our family presents and thankfully Mason behaved. I was a little worried because he started to get a little fussy but we fed him and he was all smiles again :) So we opened our presents and Mason got a bath and then he went to bed. Nothing makes me happier then to see his little face light up.
Penguin toy
Steelers pjs
Thomas DVD
Kisses from mommy
Happy Hanukkah!
ADORABLE little face! Loved the photos with Santa! HAPPY HANNAKUH!!! Always loved the enthusiasm you had for the holiday season! Keep those posts coming, I LOVE READING!!!