Happy Hanukkah!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

On Sunday we went to visit Santa. I have been dying to get Mason to take pictures with Santa since before he was born so I was so so excited. After a little drama for how they decided to run the Santa pictures at Fashion Island, it was finally our turn. My sister-in-law, Erin, had wanted to take my nieces with us because my niece Emma is kinda scared of Santa and she thought the only way Emma might take a picture with Santa would be for her to hold Mason. And what do you know... it worked!

Even though I tried everything I know... poor Mason still looks terrified lol. At least he didn't cry :)

After Santa, we came home for Mason to take a nap and then we went over to Seth's Grandma's house to celebrate Hanukkah. Me, being the sucker that I am, of course bought festive outfits for Mason to wear. The first one said "I heart Bubbie" which I thought was PERFECT because the great grandkids call Great Grandma, Bubbie. I was so SO happy too because I got some amazing photos of Bubbie with Mason.

Shortly after pictures, we ate dinner, opened presents and had dessert. We also attempted a family photo of Mason's first Hanukkah...

We came home and I was hoping that we could open our family presents and thankfully Mason behaved. I was a little worried because he started to get a little fussy but we fed him and he was all smiles again :) So we opened our presents and Mason got a bath and then he went to bed. Nothing makes me happier then to see his little face light up.


Penguin toy

Steelers pjs

Thomas DVD

Kisses from mommy

Happy Hanukkah!

1 comment:

  1. ADORABLE little face! Loved the photos with Santa! HAPPY HANNAKUH!!! Always loved the enthusiasm you had for the holiday season! Keep those posts coming, I LOVE READING!!!


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