Time for another confession session!
I must confess...
... that I did not turn on one post notification during that whole Instagram algorithm fiasco. Ain't nobody got time for that.
... that I don't understand how people snapchat WHILE driving. I mean, that can't be safe!
... that sometimes I park further away from the store that I'm going to so I can get more "exercise". I use that term loosely but it's pretty much the only exercise that I get during the day (#keepingitreal), so at least I feel slightly better about myself for getting a few extra steps in.
... that I cut up a fresh pineapple a couple weeks ago and we didn't eat it as fast as we should have, so I threw it in the freezer in a plastic bag. BUT what I didn't think about is that fresh pineapple is juicy and they froze into one large ice block of pineapple. I've been making smoothies in the morning and had to use an ice chisel (aka a butter knife LOL) to break it apart to eat.
... that the only brand of ranch dressing that I like is Hidden Valley Ranch. I don't know why, but I've tried other kinds and they just don't measure up.
... that a couple weeks ago Seth and I (honestly, mostly Seth!) realized that the back up weather man on our local news station was the "weather man" from Ali's season of the bachelorette!
... that if I don't know who you are, I probably won't answer the phone. I've been getting a lot of random numbers calling me lately and I just don't answer. If it's important, I figure that they'll leave a message and I can call them back.
and last but not least...
... that yesterday at the post office, I had my first rude encounter. Most people comment on how cute Mason is helping with the mail, but not this lady. I was minding my own business, having Mason put the letters into the slot when an older (maybe 80's?) woman walked up behind me. I didn't even hear her at first and then she said "can we hurry up? some of us have places to be." I was so shocked that I just said "there's another slot right here" and pointed to the right - there are 3 slots and I was using the middle one. She so politely said "I ONLY use the middle one." Well ok lady. So I told Mason to scoot over and we moved out of the way so she could put her letter in the middle slot. She then said "you know, he shouldn't be up there. it's not safe." It was then that I was even MORE shocked. I didn't correct you on your attitude problem, you don't need to correct me on my parenting, thank you very much. I didn't even know what to say so I didn't say anything to her and just prompted Mason to continue putting the letters in the slot. Had she come in a few minutes earlier when I had stepped away to take a picture of Mason, mayyyyyybe I could understand her suggestion. BUT when she saw me I was literally thisclose to Mason while he was putting the letters in. He was fine. And should he have lost his balance, I would have caught him.
Thanks but no thanks for your unsolicited advice lady.
Rant over.
And that's all I've got for today! Can you relate to any of my confessions?
I only use Hidden Valley ranch too. It's so good. I laughed at your ice chisel comment. LOL I can't believe that lady. My goodnes she must have been having a bad day. Good for you for not snapping back at her. You'd think seeing a cute little boy putting mail in the slot would have lifted her mood, but sometimes people just don't want to be happy. And the fact that she only uses the middle slot. WTF? It all goes to the same place.
ReplyDeleteI can not believe that lady! Kill them with kindess, it bothers people who act that way so much more! Proud of you!
ReplyDeleteIck, I hate when people try to tell others how to parent or whatever. Good job responding without lowering to her level.
ReplyDeleteHahaha, looks like she'll have to wait, then! Why are old people so grumpy while some are SO sweet?! I can totally relate to this all...Hidden Valley for life, no way am I get 2384723984 notifications from IG...thanks but not thanks...I did the SAME thing with pineapple. Oops! And I totally get my "workout" in by parking further away. Ha! Love this!
ReplyDeleteThat lady!!!! Seriously, I just smile and keep moving ... ;)
ReplyDeletePeople can be so rude! Did she not see the other slots? Ugh!
ReplyDeleteI can't picture the "weather man" to a t, but I do remember him on Ali's season! That's pretty cool! As you know, anything Bachelor-related is a pretty big deal in my world! And yes to the Snapchat thing, the IG notifications, and Hidden Valley ranch! I used to park far away at stores for that same reason, but not now with two kids in tow!! I try to find the closest spot possible! #lazy #kidsareexhausting
ReplyDeleteAww, I didn’t watch Ali’s season of bachelorette. I think that was one of the only ones I missed. Oh wow. That rude old lady needs to mind her own business. Happy Thursday, friend!
ReplyDeleteI didn't turn on one post notification either! I don't want all those shenanigans popping up on my phone!
ReplyDeleteOk that lady was just being a *itch! When I hear about these things or after they've happened to me, I always come up with comebacks but in the moment I always freeze up and just stay quiet. Keep doing what you do and don't let her bug you :).
ReplyDeleteI totally pick parking spaces further away, too...like I'm a power walker or something!! Ha!!
ReplyDeleteThat lady only uses the middle mail slot...wow! I bet she's an Angels fan, too! ;)
Ugh. That lady needs to mind her own business!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a grouchy old lady. Sheesh! The only post notification I have turned on is for Russ :)
ReplyDeleteUh, rude people suck. Especially if there's other mail slots! I mean, come on. I'm with you on the ranch- we just recently switched over to Hidden Valley after Aldi changed theirs, and it's so good! I too park farther away whenever I go shopping to get more steps in, especially since I have a fitbit. I remember the weatherman from Ali's season! Jonathan I think, and he was short :)
ReplyDeleteseriously, i didnt follow anyone either. I dont need notifications nonstop. I make sure to "like" or comment on pics of those I want to keep following so they stay in my algorithm or whatever. also Hidden Valley ranch is a Heinz ketchup or Coke, no substitutes. And my father in law used to say to my husband when he was kid and they parked far away "let's celebrate our legs" so thats whatever we say we park far from the building. ha.
ReplyDeleteNo way! Lady at the post office needs to mind her own business!
ReplyDeleteI didn't turn on any of the notifications either. As it turned out only some of the "businesses" I follow were the ones panicking and telling me to turn on notifications. I love Boathouse Ranch dressing. It has a Greek yogurt base. My husband calls me a far parker. Usually I park far away because there are more wide open spaces in the parking lot and I don't have to usually worry about all the impatient crazies not watching for me as they back up when I am backing out of a super tight spot.
ReplyDeleteI like to park further away too! Exercise goals, here I come haha! And wow. Just wow. Sounds like you had an encounter with a nut because "I only use the middle one" is crazy talk!
ReplyDeleteThe whole post notifications on IG - Psh. I didn't turn on one. Please.
ReplyDeleteRandom numbers are always unanswered. And if no voicemail is left I block the number. Oops.
And that old lady. What. The. ?!?!! I'm not sure I could have bit my lip so well. And she only uses the middle slot?! Come on!
What a rude lady!
ReplyDeleteI would have lost my shit on the old lady and there is no one who loves old people more than me.
ReplyDeleteI didn't turn on one single post notification either! Rebels! And " I only use the middle slot?!" Are you kidding me lady?!
ReplyDeleteI would never turn on any notifications either, that is just garbage.
ReplyDeleteSecondly OMG what is that ladies problem. I think she is either one of those rude grannies who doesn't on purpose or she forgot to take her meds, baha ha!
Geez!! The nerve of people! I would have been shocked! What a nasty old bitty! ;) You handled yourself very well.
ReplyDeleteI only use the middle slot?!!? You are a grown woman! You know they all dump into the same bin behind the wall!
ReplyDeleteWhat is it about Hidden Valley ranch, like no other even comes close..!!
ReplyDeleteI like that the old lady told you she's got places to be. :) Mean people are annoying, but I try and remove myself and think, 'oh man, she must be having a BAD day. Maybe this makes her sad because she never got grandkids and now she's bitter.' WHO KNOWS. But our lives go on, and we can only be in control of our actions (which you handled it well!!). I probably would've given her my resting-bitch-face stare still, for sure.
old b**ches at the post office.
ReplyDeleteI hate hidden valley! sad. I don't even know which one I use but I almost started making my own before I tried the new one.
mm we had a pineapple the other day. Aria and I devoured it. I want some more now.
When Chris got a fitbit for Christmas he literally parked the furthest away from the store he could. I was like really? It's hot outside I don't want extra steps!! He got over it thankfully.