What a weekend! We had so much fun that I didn't have a chance to recap it over the weekend, so here we are. Recently I haven't been doing any sort of weekend recap because our weekends haven't included anything really exciting and have pretty much consisted of laundry and grocery shopping (boring!), but this weekend was different.
This weekend started off on Friday when I took the day off work to meet
Desiree, Marcus, and Julia for a little date at the aquarium and a wall crawl. What's a wall crawl you might ask? Well, it's where we hit up six different walls in one day to take pictures of the kids. I'd never thought much of "cool walls" that I'd seen before until
Erin had started taking pictures of her kids in front of some cool ones and then Desiree started finding some awesome ones as well. Then I became obsessed! (Did you know they ever have Instagram accounts dedicated to awesome walls?
Wall Traveled //
Disney Blue Wall //
Disney Purple Wall //
Disney Pink Wall). Sadly there are not really any cool walls in my area, so I had to venture a little bit north to get in on the action.
So, you know how it NEVER rains in California? Well, it decided to rain on Friday.
Of course. Because Desiree and I wanted to get together. I SWEAR it rains every time we do something together. But they say rain is good luck, right?
(I don't know what that has to do with anything in this instance lol). The rain was supposed to stop by 9am, right when I got to her house, but unfortunately for us, it kept going. But we didn't let that stop us. We continued on with our plan, and the poor kiddos just got a bit wet. They were such troopers though and we got some cute pictures! These are a mix of the pictures that I took as well as the pictures that she took and at this point I'm not even sure whose is whose, but just know that the better ones are probably hers ;)
kinda reminds me of that Beatles picture of them crossing the street
We hit up those few walls as well as a surprise wall (to be shared later!) and then headed to the aquarium. I feel like in public places, like an aquarium, I have to be a helicopter mom because I'm afraid that Mason will wander off. I know he doesn't mean to run away, but he just gets so excited exploring that he doesn't realize that I'm not with him. The last time I was at the aquarium
(with Erin, Lex, and Kenz), he did ok, but I did have to watch him a lot. This time... he did amazing! He's almost a year and a half older and he's gotten so much better with listening when I say to stop and staying by me (or at least where he can see me) that this experience was so much better and I was less helicopter-y.
After the aquarium, we went to lunch, and then we attempted a couple more walls since it had mostly stopped raining by then.
helping Julia up
Mason and I headed home around 2:30pm or so. Traffic was horrendous (#LA) for part of the trip, but we made it home in not-too-bad-time. Mason had fallen asleep in the car about three seconds in to the trip home so I headed to the Starbucks drive-thru before we ended up back at home (#priorities). He woke up just in time for me to order and gladly drank the vanilla bean frap that I bought him. He had done EXCELLENT with going to the bathroom all day and I definitely think he deserved it.
Saturday morning started out like any other typical Saturday morning with Mason going to ABA and Seth and I going to Costco. We then picked Mason up early to head to a birthday party at a tae kwon do place for one of the girls he used to go to preschool with. We hadn't seen them in a while and I was excited to see her and her mom again. I was also excited to see how Mason would do at tae kwon do since I've been toying with the idea of signing him up for lessons.
Well, I don't know if it was just because it was a birthday party or not, but it was a bit of a $h!t show. Mason did not listen very well and was more interested in running around than following directions. I'm not sure if this is just because it wasn't super structured since it was a party or what, but I may still try him in some lessons soon.
IKEA was on our way home so of course we had to take advantage. I needed a new picture frame and of course we needed some $1 ice cream, so we took a little pit stop on the way home.
Sunday was the Super Bowl and I took advantage of the situation and made a little letter board quote. I can't take full credit for it though because Seth did suggest the saying.
It was a fun afternoon with friends and lots of good food, even though we weren't exactly pleased with the outcome of the game.
Overall, it was a fun weekend and although I have to work all five days this week, I'm already looking forward to next weekend already!