It's SO heartbreaking to have a sick baby. And this sickness has been the worst. We got a call on Monday from daycare that Mason had a fever so Seth went to pick him up. We figured it was just because he is getting another tooth (#5!!!) but when I got home, he didn't look so good. Super pale, super high fever. I got really scared and we took him to urgent care. Of course we gave him some Tylenol before we left so he was pretty happy when we were there. We figured we were there, we would have the doctor check him out anyway. She said everything looked fine and he probably just had a fever because he was teething. While that hasn't happened with any of his other teeth, we said ok and went home. Mason was sleeping when Seth left for work on Tuesday and I didn't have to work until later so I told Seth I would let him know if Mason had a fever when he woke up and if he needed to come home. Mason woke up...with a small fever. I thought maybe he would be ok so I gave him some Tylenol and then fed him and after 4 oz he started coughing and then... threw up. So I called Seth and back home he came. I eventually left for work and poor Mason had a fever all day, slept a TON and ate barely. Same thing Wednesday. Same thing Thursday except my poor boy cried and cried as I was leaving for work. H.E.A.R.T.B.R.E.A.K.I.N.G.
Nothing is worse than having to leave for work while your baby cries because he doesn't feel good and is pain. Nothing. Seth stayed home again and I went to work because I had to do some stuff. I ended up leaving early though to come home to my baby and then we cuddled....
Luckily we already have an appointment tomorrow (supposed to be for his 9 month check up - which is why I waited to post his 9 month pics and stats until I could get his weight and height) so hopefully the doctor can help us. He cries and looks so unhappy and like he is in pain. I just wish my poor baby felt better...
Oh no! That IS heartbreaking. I realllly hope he starts to feel better asap. Nothing sadder than a sick baby :-( Hopefully the doc can give you some answers/relief, too. xoxox
ReplyDeleteThank you!! Turns out he has an ear infection so that could be part of the problem but I think he might have had a touch of the flu and been constipated... poor thing! He is feeling a lot better already! xoxo