Happy Father's Day!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Dear Dad,

Happy Father's Day! 

And Happy 1st Grandpa's Day! 

Though you have been a father for 28 years and had 28 Father's Day's, today's is extra special. 
Mason is so, so lucky to have such a great grandpa as you.
 Even though you guys don't get to see each other very often, he knows he is loved and 
you think of him all the time. Thank you for being such an amazing grandpa to my son!

Dear Seth,

Happy 1st Father's Day!

Last year we said it was our first Mother's Day and Father's Day but this little guy right here truly made this year even more special. This little guy is the reason we celebrated you today. You are the most amazing father to our son that I could have ever asked for. Without hesitation, you will do anything at all for Mason. When he is sick, you have no problem staying home with him all day. When he is hurt, you pick him up and dry his tears. You make him laugh. You make him smile. You make him know just how much you love him. You are the best role model I could ask for for our son. You are so caring, loving, and hands on. I don't know how I got so lucky. Happy Father's Day!!! We love you so much!

Daddy's presents from Mason

Love love love these two!

Father's Day
I miiiiiiiiiight have dressed Mason like Daddy :)
(sorry for the blurry-ness... someone was just so happy
he was waving his hands around!)

Happy Father's Day!!

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