In fact, I don't think love even begins to describe it. Honestly, I am surprised. In the beginning, he HATED it. Screamed like we were torchering him when we put him in the Puj tub in the sink. Now that he is in the big boy bath, he has completely done a 180. Personally, I love the fact that he loves the bath. Makes it so much easier to give him a bath. Normally I am the one that gives him a bath except if I am at work then Seth will. The other night I had been feeding Mason while Seth ate dinner so when it was my turn, it was also bath time so Seth gave Mason his bath.
I've never been downstairs before when Mason has gotten a bath and let me tell you, it's wayyyyyyy different to hear it downstairs then right next to him! The water sounds so loud and Mason's banging is even louder!
When I give Mason a bath, we go upstairs, I tell him we need to turn on the light, he sticks his finger out and we turn on the light together. Then I put him down and he stands and holds on to the bath tub while the water fills up. He usually bangs on the bath tub while the water fills up because he is so excited about getting in. Then when the water is full, I take him to his room and take off his clothes and then he "flys" back to the bathroom for his bath. He loves that too and giggles the whole way back. Then he takes a bath and splashes like a mad man (and I get a bath too) and I bathe him. Then I get him out and wrap him up like a burrito and he giggles some more and we go back to his room to get dressed. I fan him with the towel to dry him off and he giggles and laughs some more. Then I get him dressed and we are all done!
Daddy bathing Mason
Time to wash out the shampoo
Checking out the whale spout cover
Please note the waves from all the splashing!
Crazy splasher
What??? It's time to get out???
All cozy in his shark hooded towel
Daddy carrying Mason back to his room to dry off
Crazy fanning / drying off
And now we have one happy, clean boy!