[It's the Little Things] Exploring in Your Own Backyard

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I use the term 'backyard' loosely seeing as how we don't really have a backyard, but we do have a nice patch of grass off to the side kinda near our carport... it's hard to explain, so hopefully you get the idea.

Anyway, we came home from running errands and Costco the other day and were unloading the car when Mason decided he wanted to go exploring. Usually I am wanting to go inside and sit down and relax when we get home (or have lunch on this particular day) and whenever Mason runs off (in the wrong direction), I just go grab him and bring him inside. And he's usually fine with it.

But on this day, I decided to let him be and see what he would do. So I let Seth do the heavy lifting and bring all the groceries inside and I wandered off to follow Mason. We literally were out there for almost 30 minutes when Seth texted me to find out where we went.

There really are no words needed when you are watching your kids explore so I will let the pictures do the talking for themselves.

Sometimes you just need to let your kids be kids and let them explore the great outdoors.



  1. Yes! Sometimes it is so easy to just carry on with routine but it is always so good when we tell ourselves no and let them explore. I am always glad when I do!

  2. Is that somebody elses lawn with the tree? It is fun to be the yes mom for a change. Sure why not! I try to relax when Aria wants to do something outside the routine. I'll ask myself does it really matter if we do it this way or if she does this certain thing...if no then go for it! Yesterday Aria was laying on her umbrella again and Chris told her to stop. I was like what for? She's having fun and if she does ruin it...it was free for one, and we never use an umbrella for actual umbrella-ing. Just let her be. Funny that I had to back him off because normally it is the other way around. He's the whatever goes dad.

  3. You go girl for letting him wander and explore. I'm horrible at impromptu things like that if we have something else (like lunch!) to do! And I agree watching them explore is seriously amazing-- you can see their little brains working!

  4. Often it isn't possible, but I try not to jam pack our days so we can do stuff just like this! It's so fun to see what kids will do and look at if we just let them. My post today is about flowers in our yard too!

  5. It's fun to see how their little minds work and what they find interesting. I love how they notice the details and little things. I try and remember to let Reese explore and do what she wants most of the time, within reason of course :)

  6. watching kids explore and learn is so entertaining!

  7. The great outdoors is full of possibilities! I have 2 nature girls and it just revives their spirits being outside!

  8. YES!! You're so right, watching them explore is the BEST. :) I so wish I could know what is going through their heads sometimes too. Good reminder to go with the flow, and let them be.

  9. Oh this is so true! I really need to plan my time better so I can let Ellie explore. Great job mama!!

  10. I loooooove watching Mia explore outside! It's like she's in her own little world and I love seeing it all through her eyes! Plus I've heard it's SO GOOD for them to be outside, exploring, using their imagination. So then I don't even feel bad when I just sit on my butt (to supervise) and just let her be ;)

  11. Oh my goodness he had a blast! We caught a baby frog the other day in our backyard and the kids were totally amazed! So cute to see life through their eyes.

  12. Yes! And sometimes it's so hard to just let them do their thing (especially if you're trying to walk a 100 pound dog at the same time). But, when they do have the freedom it kind of blows my mind what they explore, see, and do. I'm always wondering what goes through Marcus' mind, like, "Why did he decide THAT rock was worthy of being picked up and pocketed, as opposed to the other million rocks he passed over?"

  13. Oh mama, I love this! There is so much adventure and beauty to be found in this great big ol world!! These pictures are greatness!!


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