The Picture Perfect Project [May]

Thursday, May 12, 2016

As I mentioned back in January in my goals for 2016 post, one of my goals for this year is to take more pictures. As a blogger, you'd think that would already be a given, but as a working mom, I feel like most of my pictures are taken on the weekends when the "bigger events" happen. There's plenty of stuff that happens during the week as well but it just gets... missed. Enter The Picture Perfect Project. I've been making a real effort everyday to make sure I take at least one picture. The problem is, when I get home from work, it's dark. So that doesn't leave me any time to take pictures outside, so I have to get creative. My goal for myself for The Picture Perfect Project is to take at least one picture a day. It doesn't matter what it is of, just as long as I take one picture per day.

Sooooo... last month I admitted that I've been kind of failing on my "one picture a day" goal. While this is still true (I'm really trying!), I happened to take 10 pictures on the 10th of the month (technically 13!) that I wanted to share with you today. I love this challenge/link up (though I have no clue who is even in charge of it, I've just seen some of my friends doing it and I decided to play along) and find it as a kind of fun way to document an everyday day in the life.

7:07am : Breakfast -- oatmeal with blueberries and raisins

7:20am : Apparently today's outfit is sponsored by Mickey Mouse and Old Navy!

7:45am : Post office run! I had to mail the Stitch Fix items I didn't want to keep and mail a letter to a friend. I finally ran out of stamps and promised Mason that he could use the machine to buy some when I ran out... day made!

3:12pm : It's my day to pick up Mason from school since Seth had softball early and I... forgot a snack for him! Quick stop to Ralph's and we fixed that problem!

3:52 pm : When Mom's in charge, we get... frozen yogurt! I let Mason choose everything he wanted and he chose... chocolate yogurt, watermelon, fruit loops (that he called cookies?), and bits of a waffle cone. Yum?

4:18pm : Happy mail day! Mason's new shoes and my make up from Nordstrom have arrived.

4:25pm : Barely in the door and time to change in to something more comfortable.

4:38pm : I decide to spruce up my normal, boring, plain water with some pineapple and strawberries. Not bad.

5:27pm : Seth's at softball and we're home early so I start making dinner early. On the menu tonight, trying something new -- Pesto Pasta Salad from the Cooking Light Magazine!

5:34pm : I'm a good influence.

6:33pm : Time to play a little basketball!

6:57pm : Mason and I are playing with his Hot Wheels cars when one of them goes under the couch. Without even a second thought, he runs to the closet, grabs the swiffer, looks under the couch, runs the swiffer under, and... pulls out his car! Guess he really is watching everything I'm doing because that's exactly what I would do/have done in the past! :)

7:18pm : All clean after bath time!

Not Pictured :

8:15pm : Daddy comes home and reads books and puts Mason to bed.

9 something-ish : I fall asleep on the couch.

Good night!

And there you have it!
How has your Picture Perfect Project been going?

Don't forget, our next link up is Thursday, June 9th. So gather some photos between now and then and then link up with us on the 9th and show us what you've been up to!


  1. Such a fun post! I still love how much Mason loves the post office. You always get the best photos of him there. And him with the swifter, goodness are they always watching. :)

  2. Your oatmeal made me gag. I can't with those raisins man. Everything else though, a-ok haha. Watermelon and frozen yogurt don't seem like they go well together but individually are mighty tasty. Did he eat them together or one at a time?

  3. I really like day in the life posts! Especially when people do exciting things like play basketball in their Mickey Mouse underwear!

  4. That pasta looks delish! What a fun day. Adding fruit to water is something I need to do more.

  5. OH I was going to do the 10 on the 10th next month :) I wrote down who did the link up, but she hasn't blogged since early not sure if she'll do it again...but we can link up to each other, hehe :) Such a great day...those mundane ones that you still want to remember but never document.

  6. Ahh...I totally dropped the ball for 10 on Tuesday! It's hit or miss each month for me. :) I love that you remembered, though! You got some really great photos. I love the olive hand Mason picture! Does he eat them? My Mason is so darn picky! That water looks so refreshing!

  7. I love that you try to do a picture a day. I'm the same way - I only really ever take pictures on the weekends. All that food looks so delicious! And I love Mason with the Swiffer!

  8. How was the pasta salad? It looks really good. I love 10 on the 10th but alas, I forgot... AGAIN :(. I always have a knack for forgetting.

  9. Gosh, I need to remember this! Next month, Amy, next month. :)

    How is Mason doing in undies??

  10. That pasta salad looks good! I doubt Reese would eat it though. Oh, having picky toddlers. Also, I love his/your McGyver hack for getting the car from under the couch :)

  11. You got some great pictures! I think its hilarious Mason plays hoops in his undies, but truth be told both my girls would be running around naked if I let them ;)

  12. Connor had me get Marvel Hero Cheezits and can I tell you? I ate way more than I should have. I had forgotten how good they were.

  13. That pasta salad looks delicious! I want some! :)

    The picture of Mason playing basketball in his unders is cracking me up...I wish that I could play basketball in my unders. Tee hee!

  14. So many things to comment on! Gotta love Mickey and old navy! Also, basketball in your underwear is probably the best way to play! Also, can't get enough of your post office photos... The cutest! And I definitely want to try that pasta recipe, it looks amazing!!!!

  15. I love day in the life posts! I'm so the same way, as soon as I get home it's straight to comfy clothes!! And that pasta looks delicious!!

  16. This is the best DITL post I've read in ages (and I don't say that lightly). I love that you captured your day, but didn't over-do it... Does that make sense?
    Also. The basketball in the under-roos might be the cutest thing ever.
    Next time can I get fro-yo with you? I'd just skip dinner altogether. :)


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