[Home Tour] Mason's Room

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I've been wanting to post pictures of our new place for forever now....but as much as I hate to admit it, we are not totally unpacked yet or totally, completely moved in yet. I know, I know...we have lived here for over a month now so we totally should be but with work and a baby and life happening... it hasn't happened yet. Over 99% of the boxes are opened and put away but there are still a few with pictures that I don't know where to put yet.

Without further ado...here is Mason's room!

standing in the doorway, looking in


can't live without our sleep sheep

changing table/dresser

changing table/dresser

pictures and "M" above changing table/dresser
i love love love these

window and closet

directly across from window,
next to door


signed baseball
signed by Mike Scioscia, manager of the Angels

hand and foot prints from when Mason was 1 month old

rocking chair

no post would be complete without a picture of the boy :)

i think he likes his room!

It is still a small work in progress but it is the room that is the most done :) I need to hang a couple more pictures and then we need to figure out where to hang I need to figure out how I want to hang some baseball stuff. We went to Ikea this past weekend to try to find something but I had commitment phobia and couldn't commit to buying anything. Hopefully soon!

More home tour's when a few things happen...

- master bedroom : we get the new part for our bed that broke in the move so we can finally put our bed frame back together
- living room : i make my chalkboard
- kitchen : when i finish figuring out where i want to put everything away (there are so many cabinets here but somehow i can't figure out where to put anything!)



  1. His room looks adorable! I swear it took us about two years to unpack...and then just when you have it right furniture gets rearranged and you decide to change it! So excited to see all of the house updates! He is getting so big can't believe he is almost 11 months!!!

  2. Mason and his room are both so cute!!! Also, his room is SO CLEAN! Now that is impressive, mama! xo

    1. His room is the only place that is clean! Haha. We don't play as much in there since it's upstairs so it stays clean, but I have to admit that I did straighten up a little before taking the pictures :)


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