Park Picnic

Saturday, August 10, 2013

No Saturday Funday for us this week! Mommy spent the day working! Boo! As much as I HATE working on the weekends, I have to admit that I do love how much you can get done when you aren't interrupted.

We are officially in the "peak time" for online orders at work since school starts in just a little over two weeks. Let me first explain my job... I work at the bookstore at a community college in the area. School starts on August 26th. I thought I was finally over saying "school starts on..." but alas, I am back to square one and talking about school all over again! But anyway, at work we are supposed to fulfill online orders within 48 hours during peak periods instead of the normal 2 business days. So even though we are closed on the weekend and even though FedEx won't come get the packages until Monday, we have to go in on Saturday or Sunday to do online orders. To top it off, today's fun included finishing the paperwork for the 93 new hires we just hired on Thursday.
Let's take a moment and let that sink in.
While I am sure that there are plenty of places that hire WAY more than that, this is A LOT for me. And I did all the paperwork myself. This is what my Saturday looked like :

Granted I did take a small break in the middle to go to Mason's one year photo shoot, but I was still at work...on day 6 of 7 working this week...on hours 46+ of working this week.

So, needless to say, when I got home, all I wanted to do was see my boys. So, I had a great idea to make the day better - picnic at the park! We walked to the sushi place down the street, got some food to go and headed to the park.

Mason was loving sitting and riding in his new wagon until...
he got tired and fell asleep...while riding in the wagon!
Looks pretty uncomfortable to me, but I guess he was tired!
(bottom right)

top left : our food. sushi for mom and dad and turkey for Mason
bottom left : Mason happened to my sushi
right : eating a cracker


Headed home after a fun picnic and play time at the park!
I just love his little hand holding on to the side of the wagon.

Happy Weekend!