Saturday Funday

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Doesn't quite have the same impact as Sunday Funday but I'm going to a baby shower for my sister-in-law, Lynda, tomorrow so today was our family "Sunday" Funday!

7:10am (what??? am I dreaming?) : Mason woke up!!! Yes, it's true. I am TOTALLY jinxing myself by saying this but yesterday and today, Mason woke up at 7am!

7:15am-9am : we all eat breakfast (Mason ate eggs with ham and loved it!) and watch some Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and play with toys

9am : Seth and I get ready for the day and Mason takes a nap.

10:15am : Seth wakes Mason up so we can leave to go get Mason's haircut (haircut #3!)

11am : haircut complete with random mini meltdown that has never happened before at the haircut place

12pm : Mason eats his way through Costco (eating samples and eating his car)

1:15pm : we return home and take some selfies and Mason looks in the "portal" as I do laundry

1:30pm : Mason naps and I head to Target, the bank and Babies R Us.

4:30pm : Seth leaves for guys night with his friends and it's mommy and Mason time!

4:30pm-8pm : Mommy and Mason watch some Mickey Mouse, walk to Sushi Time to pick up mommy's dinner, Mason eats dinner, and Mason gets a bath, drinks his milk and goes to bed!

This is the B. Zany Zoo. Seth and I got it for Mason for his birthday.
Not to toot my own horn, but...Mason loves it!
I wanted to get him an activity cube but had no idea which one. So I did a little research and found that this one was the best for the money. And it turns out, Mason loves it as much as I do!

One side is the letter and an animal name.
And one side is a picture of the animal.

Mason had pasta and broccoli for dinner and LOVED it!

And even tried to help me feed him.

I tell him that the bath is not ready until he can reach the turtle.
The turtle floats and tells me the temp of the water and if it is too hot or too cold.
He now reaches and reaches for it and gets so excited to be able to pick it up.

Don't mess with a man and his boats!

8pm : Mason's bed time and mommy blog time!

Happy Saturday Funday!