Weekends are for... bike riding.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

But not just any bike riding!

On Saturday we had plans with our friends Seth and Lauren and their son Logan. We were supposed to go to this festival/carnival thing in the city that Lauren grew up in - the city her parents still live in. It sounded really fun and we were excited. Lauren had said there were rides and games and stuff and it would be really fun for the kids. We had plans to BBQ at her parent's house after the festival. I texted her on Saturday morning to see what we could bring to the BBQ when she told me that her mom was sick and we couldn't go. We were bummed, obviously, but totally understood. When I'm sick the last thing I want is tons of people around.

We all still really wanted to hang out so we thought of something else to do. We decided on going to a local regional park and going to the zoo they have there. It's not the biggest and doesn't have all the "popular animals" but for $2 for each adult and kids get in free, you can't go wrong.

The boys had a blast running around and touching everything and the parents had fun running ran around after the kids.

Logan was a lot more adventurous and stuck his hand in with the goat... Mason wandered around and looked scared when the goats and sheep would grunt too loudly. Either way, I'd say they had fun seeing the animals that were there. Our next zoo trip will definitely be to the LA Zoo or the San Diego Zoo though. The boy wants to see some elephants, monkeys, and giraffes!

After the zoo, we decided that we wanted to try out one of these bad boys...
the double surrey bike.

Every time we've been to the park, I've seen people riding these around. And I've ALWAYS wanted to try them. Seth and Lauren agreed so we rented one. When you rent one, you get it for an hour. Now an hour may not seem like very long, but when you are out of shape and riding up and down hills, an hour is PLENTY of time.

The boys did AMAZING. I was super scared that Mason would freak out when we put the helmet on him. And while he did try to pull it off at first, once we snapped it on, he was fine. We sat the boys in the front seat, snapped them in, and they just starred at each other, confused why they were wearing helmets.

We all hopped on and we were off!

Contrary to what you might think since I took a bunch of pictures, I really was peddling! Honest.

There were some big hills that we definitely would not have made it up it it weren't for me.
Kidding. I'm sure I was no help, but at least I could say I was peddling.

Logan didn't trust the dad's driving and tried to take matters into his own hands.
And what you can't tell from this picture was that Mason had his hand on the break cord THE WHOLE TIME. Haha.

It was hard work but was SUPER fun!
We will definitely be doing it again!


  1. That bike looks so fun! What a great Saturday!

  2. How fun!! I'm sure you got quite the workout in!! :)

  3. Those bikes are awesome!! I mean they're perfection.... And we need to hit up the la zoo too! All my friends go- but lex and I have yet to make the trek!

  4. Yay! I love this post! Do you know if two people can work one? They have them at Disney, but I'm not sure we'd be able to do it just chris and me. An hour sounds like more than enough time to me haha, sounds like plenty of peddling.

  5. I've always wanted to ride on of those bikes! Super cool! New follower and I can't wait to read more!

  6. Looks like fun!! I love the pictures of the boys just looking at each other. :)


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