I realized the other day that should it become cold outside, Mason would freeze when he goes to bed. He literally only has shorts and short sleeve pajamas. I can't even think about needing to wearing long sleeves and long pants but I know (hope) the day will come sooner rather than later and I should probably get something for him to wear. I found some cute ones at Old Navy and of course my love for Hanna Andersson runs deep. The only problem with Hanna Andersson is... I do not love the price. Thankfully Mason usually gets one or two as gifts. However, even though they are so expensive, they are seriously our favorite pajamas ever. They fit him the best, they wash well and wear well, and are just overall super cute and super soft. I noticed that they have some on somewhat of a sale (a rarity for Hanna's) so I may have to snag one or two.
Christmas Pajamas.

Speaking of Hanna Andersson... they are KILLING IT in the Christmas jammies department! Holy cuteness. I want them all. It's a good thing that Christmas jams last us all the way through until at least Valentine's Day, if not longer, it makes it a little bit more worthwhile! No shame in the Christmas pajamas in February and March game!
Potty Training.
We've been sloooooowly starting to start potty training Mason. We started with changing him from diapers to pull ups and working on calling them "big boy underwear". Now we've got the potty and he knows the ASL sign for toilet. And I made a potty chart where he gets to put up stickers. He has gone twice so far so I let him put up the two stickers but now all he wants to do is put up more stickers since I chose Paw Patrol stickers and he's obsessed. I tell him he has to go pee pee in the potty before he gets another sticker and he walks away lol. At least we're on the right track. We're not pushing anything, but trying to get the process started. I know we're "late to the game", but with him having autism and being non-verbal, we didn't want to push anything before he was ready or before he had a way to communicate with us, but at a little over three now, we decided to give it a shot. Wish us luck!
Collect App.
Fall Scarf Exchange.
In case you missed the announcement on Monday, I'm co-hosting a scarf exchange! Click the link to get the details and then email me to sign up. Hurry! Sign ups close this weekend!
Happy Weekending!
I am obsessed with Hanna pjs (and their clothes in general)! We even have a store in our mall which is rare since that don't have many locations (at least on the east coast). I agree that they fit and wash so well! We got him a rocket ship set for fall and can't wait to get a few Christmas ones. Other than that we supplement with old navy and carters since the prices are so much better! Noah loves anything with diggers, fire trucks, and rocket ships on them :). Yay for potty training... I have to get on that soon! Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteSo I guess I live under a rock since is never seen Hanna Anderson jammies before. What? I know! But I'm in love wth the Christmas ones you posted!! Adorable! Yay for potty training. Mason will do great. I'm still holding Out Cam will have interest soon. We tried back in August and it was a mess.
ReplyDeleteI started using Collect after Erin shared about it and then totally fell off because I would miss days. womp womp
ReplyDeleteOh jammies! I'm on the lookout for matching Halloween & Christmas pj's for my little guys this year! Have a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteLove all of those Hannas! I always pick up a pair when they go on sale. Have you seen the organic jammies at Costco? They're made a lot like the Hannas only they're $10 a pair!
ReplyDeleteAll those cute PJs!! Marcus has zero cool weather jams too, and zero holiday jams. I'm so bad about getting those. I need to step up my pj game - for both kids actually.
ReplyDeleteWoohoo for the start of potty training!
And I love the collect app! I've been using it for ages, and it's so fun to look back on the months.
i need to update my collect app! its been daaaaaays since i loaded it up with daily goodness! and i definitely need to step up my jammie game!
ReplyDeleteGive me ALL the jammies..!! Now that Homegirl is in bigger sizes, I'm anxious to match her and Tys in some. You've got some great choices, but I just haven't been able to bring myself to buy any HAs yet.. Maybe we'll splurge on some Christmas pairs..?! Have a WONDERFUL weekend. :)
ReplyDeleteOh those pj's are just the cutest ever. My favorites are the Charlie brown ones best Christmas show ever.
ReplyDeleteThat app... I am going to look for it right NOW!!!
We really were on the same thought train today! Are you going to get any? On top of them being so pricey the shipping to where I live is $12!! Nutty!!
ReplyDeleteI ordered HA jammies last year for this Christmas. I've always been pro-gap so I'm excited for something new!
ReplyDeleteI am hoping the colder weather lures Reed back into jammies. He has shunned them all summer for his beloved athletic shorts. I miss cute jammies so much!
ReplyDeleteI've always loved cute pajamas -- now that I have a toddler its gone to a whole new level. So glad I found HA jammies! Obsessed!
ReplyDeleteYay potty chart! I just ordered the boys' Christmas jammies. The thing I struggle with is finding 3 that match since they are in such a range of sizes. Carters had all their sizes in the same one. I was pumped!
ReplyDeleteOmgosh, I love those Hanna Anderson pjs! I need to check those out ASAP! Good luck with the potty training too :)
ReplyDeleteThe Christmas jams are adorable! I need to swing in to the store and check them out. You're so right - they are so soft, but oh so expensive. And great idea with the potty training chart! I think you've got the right attitude of just introducing, but not pushing. Good luck! Hope you're having a great weekend!
ReplyDeleteKatie @ Cup of Tea
I'm totally loving that collect app. How fun is that?
ReplyDeleteChristmas jammies already! Ah! I love those red/green striped ones. Good luck with the potty training!
ReplyDeleteCharlie Brown Christmas pjs!!! Swoon!! You need those. And Aria wears any holiday jams that still fit year round. No shame there haha. I love them so.
ReplyDeleteLittle boy pajamas are just about my favorite thing! I love buying them for Mason and I love even more that he loves them. Sometimes he wants to be big and sleep in boxers like his daddy, but 99% of the time he wants a good pair of pajamas! And those Christmas jams are perfect. I need to order Mason some before we go on our Polar Express Train ride next month!! And those VW bus jams Mason is wearing are adorable. Love those. I need to go sign up for the scarf exchange!!