Friday Fivin'

Friday, December 4, 2015

Holy moly it's been a week! I always feel like that on event weeks (which means I have to work all weekend this weekend), but to top it off, I added a play date on Monday night and I've barely had any time to do anything this week. By some miracle I've stayed awake past 8:02pm every night so I've been able to get a few rounds of Christmas cards out! Speaking of Christmas though... this week's five might be all Christmas themed!

Christmas Pajama Link Up!

I'm excited to be joining some fabulous ladies and co-hosting a fun Christmas Pajama Link Up! On December 17th, link up with us and show us your kiddos in their Christmas jammies. This is one of my favorite times of year because not only do I think that Mason looks adorable in Christmas pajamas, but I think SIBLINGS look even more cute! I'm seriously so excited about this and can't wait to see all the kiddos in their jammies!

25 Days of Christmas books.

Year 3 of the 25 Days of Christmas Books and I think this year is the best! Mason was SO excited for his tree (even without the books) that the addition of the books just made it that much better. I'm pretty sure that with some additions that I did this year, we have more than 25 books so on some nights, when he's really eager, I let Mason open 2 books. So far it's gone well, I'm not too strict about the 1 book a night thing, and if we end up opening all the books before the end, we'll just recycle the books and keep reading.

New book additions.

Speaking of the 25 Days of Christmas books... I decided to add a few new books into our rotation this year. Even though we're still using the same books from the past couple years, I like to add a few more age appropriate books in every year. This year I added one Hanukkah book called I Know an Old Lady who Swallowed a Dreidel. We had a couple Hanukkah books already, but most are VERY baby so last year Mason got How Do Dinosaurs Say Happy Chanukkah? and this year I added the other one. The Christmas books seem to be more age appropriate and not so baby but this year I wanted to add Olaf's Night Before Christmas. I thought it looked cute online, but is it seriously SO cute in person! If your kid(s) like Frozen at all, I'd definitely recommend this book!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... at home!

We decorated the windows...

...and we picked out and bought our tree!

And decorated it!

...and at work!

We got a tree yesterday and got some holiday chocolates and it looks so festive now! I work with mostly men so I'm not so sure they are so excited about the tree, but they are loving the chocolate...although maybe not as much as me... I had 3 pieces yesterday in the 2 hours that we had it out! (oops!)

Beer Advent Calendar.

And a little bonus... in case you're looking for something for your husband for Christmas... why not DIY a beer advent calendar?! I made one for Seth and he is LOVING it. So far I'm 3 for 3 on beers (and I didn't even know what I was doing when I picked them out)! And I think I've convinced Seth to do a beer recap at the end of it all on how well I did and what his favorite beers were... so if your husband is a beer lovers, stay tuned!

Happy weekend!


  1. I am so excited for our pajama link up too! And I totally agree, siblings in Christmas pjs are so cute! I guess Noah and Mason will just have to be extra cute all on their own ;). Noah's been wearing lots of Christmas pjs... I just have to start photographing them all!!!

  2. You've had such a festive week! We don't give our boys their Christmas jammies until Christmas Eve, so you'll have to wait to see them!

  3. A Beer Advent Calendar?!?! Seriously that is genius!!! My cousin's husband absolutely loves beer so I will definitely be passing this on to her!! =)

    Have a great weekend! Melanie | Blog: Toots + Dill

  4. You can write about all the Christmas stuff you want! I LOVE this time of year!!! I, however, did not make it past 8 every night...I am freaking wiped lately! Have a good (working) weekend!

  5. I really love the ideas of the books & the beer advent calendar...I wish I would have done those things. :\

    I also love the Starbucks decorations on the work tree. :)

  6. I'm so excited for the pajama link up! Can't wait to see all the cuties in their Christmas jammies. I'm still loving your beer advent calendar. I'm so doing that for Drew next year. Mason's tree is awesome. I don't blame him for being so excited.

  7. The beer advent calendar is genius!!! And of course I just put that Olaf book in my Amazon cart ;) Have a great weekend!!!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. We have The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Bell, so I know the dreidel version is cute too! I had exactly 25 Christmas books but upon further inspection I found a couple board books so now Brielana is included. Hey, if you have to work over the weekend the least you can do is treat yourself to chocolate.

  10. You're killing it at the link-up game, lady! I loved your snapchat video of Mason opening his books. SO cute!

  11. So much fun! That beer advent is the best ever. I really need to do that for Russ next year, he'd love me forever if I did!

    That Olaf book looks SO cute. I'll have to check that one out.

  12. you know i totally ordered that olaf book right? because it sounds SO CUTE. and now i'm going to have to figure out some way to photograph the ladies in their jimmies FOR SURE. i can't decide if i'm thanking you or cursing you!

  13. Pajama link-ups are my absolute favorite!! I've been taking pictures of the kids the past week in preparation! :) That Olaf book is adorable, may need to put that on our list!

  14. How can you resist all those holiday chocolates?!? So much fun in one post! XOXO

  15. The pajama party is on the calendar/planner! I've already dressed my kids in a couple of different jammies. And, I keep seeing/buying NEW holiday jams. I just can't stop. It's almost as bad as bows... Almost...
    Oh my gosh, the snaps of Mason opening his books are the best! I love how it's one tiny little piece after another. Marcus is the same way when he opens gifts!
    Also - still insanely jealous over the REAL tree!

  16. The 25 Days of Christmas Books sounds like a fun tradition! What a great gift idea. Do you buy 25 new Christmas books each year?

  17. So glad you're hosting the pajama link up with me! :) I'm looking forward to it! Love everything about this festive post. For your 25 days of Christmas books are they all Christmas related? Or a bit of everything?

  18. Oh, all that chocolate at work would be dangerous. Fun - might need to link up in our Christmas jammies. :) LOVE all your festive-ness.


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