Visits with Santa 2015

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Happy Santa Photo link up day! I originally thought that I wasn't going to be able to participate today since we had no plans to see Santa before this coming weekend since Seth and I had to work all weekend last weekend but this was actually the second Santa meeting of the season (first meeting coming soon)!

This past weekend when Seth and I were working all weekend, we had scheduled cousin Santa pictures. It's become a yearly thing and the kids all wear pajamas and we head to the mall to get their picture taken with Santa. This year, since Seth and I couldn't go, I asked Seth's mom, who was watching Mason all weekend, to take him for us and she gladly said yes. I won't lie, I was a little worried and felt bad about what I was sending her to do as last year... didn't go so well.

But this year? She must have the magic touch because look at this gem that we got!

Smiles. SMILES!!!

How is this possible?! When they sent me a copy of this picture I nearly fell out of my chair and wondered whose child they found to take a picture of because last year he cried his eyes out on more than one occasion. It was a holiday miracle!

And the cousin picture. SO SO cute! And of course, one of them has to be crying :) Mason graduated from the crier and now the torch has been passed on to Lilah (who actually liked Santa last year). Mason looks a little uneasy (given his hand gestures), however, he is still smiling and no tears and standing on his own, next to Santa!

I consider this a total win!

And just for fun... here's a look back at last year. When we visited Santa four times... yes, FOUR times, and Mason hated... them all!

Have you and your kids visited Santa yet? If so, link up your photos with us below! I love a good (or bad!) Santa picture :) And if not, no worries! The link up will stay open until New Year's Eve so there's still plenty of time to visit the Jolly Old Man!


  1. Okay, a few things. I love love love his picture with Santa! Such a handsome, big boy!! The picture with Lilah crying is just hilarious. I love Santa crying pictures. Not in a mean way, but it's just adorable. And to be able to show them that when they're bigger? Priceless! Also, I love that y'all do this with the cousins each year. So awesome. All of their Christmas jams are so cute!

  2. You got such a great picture this year! Mason looks like he's loving it! And that's one great Santa! The cousin picture is great too! Course I love when the kids are crying in Santa pictures. It's so real and funny. Ha ha! Love Mason's Christmas jammies!

  3. I love that he's smiling this year and that you do a cousins visit! We will be doing the same with Noah's cousins this weekend and I'm hoping that with their excitement that Noah will happily go up to him too! Needless to say I will be linking up a lot since we have 4 visits with Santa planned!

  4. What a fantastic picture! This year will be hard to beat!

  5. WOW!! What a great photo! I love that big cheesy grin! We met Santa to come tomorrow. ;)

  6. lol oh Mason. haha I just love that this year was a complete 180 from last year but honestly it kind of disappoints me a bit too. Seriously, what is better than pictures with kids who hate Santa?! ha!

  7. Yea Mason!! Such a great pic with Santa, I love it!! And the cousin picture is a fun tradition, throw in a crying little one and it's A+!! Is that mean..?! :)

  8. I love the boxes of santa goodness above in that linkup!! except me. I just have to be difficult.
    That is so great that Mason was into Santa this year. I Was really hoping Aria would be since she is so good with Disney characters. CHris said that must be the trick...repeat visits to Disney! Not a bad strategy.

  9. He did so awesome!!!! I love that all the cousins go together! Such a fun yearly tradition and I LOVE that they go in the PJs!!!

  10. Mason's hands look like happy, excited hands. I love its a cousin thing and how they all wear pjs!!! So cute!

  11. You got a GREAT photo this year! Here's hoping for happy Santa pictures from here on out!

  12. Look at that big grin!! I can't wait for more photos with Santa Saturday!!

  13. This is such a great picture, Elizabeth! I love Mason's smile!!

  14. Great picture! We went last night and my youngest (20 months) freaked out, thankfully we got a picture before the major screams started.

  15. Haha! This is totally THE year for the great Santa photos! Good job Mason, I bet you will treasure that photo for years to come.

  16. Great Job Mason!!!! I love it!!! Merry Christmas.


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