[Thoughts on Thursday] Confessions

Thursday, February 18, 2016

... that I am kind of obsessed with these confessions posts. I feel like it is oddly liberating to be able to confess all these things to the world on the internet.

... that I almost took down our Valentine's Day window clings last Friday... 2 days before the big day. I think I must have put them up too soon or something (probably mid January) because they just started to bug me. I didn't take them down though... but I bet Mason wouldn't have noticed either way.

... that it annoys me to no end when people have on their blogs that they love to connect with their readers and to send them an email anytime if you have a question. So you email them because, well, you have a question and they never get back to you. I may take a day or two to email back, but I ALWAYS respond to emails! Relationships and connections are what I love most about blogging.

... that I have been MAJORLY slacking on the blog. I've had the same Five on Friday post half drafted for probably two weeks and never actually finish it to be able to post it. I had high hopes for last Friday but then TGIT started and Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away with Murder won and sucked me back in... maybe tomorrow?

... that I can't stand drivers here when it rains. Yeah, I know, it doesn't rain very often so maybe they just aren't used to it, but seriously, yesterday, it BARELY rained like ten drops and people were losing their minds. It was like they forgot how to drive. Hit the windshield wipers and keep driving! I don't know why I have such little patience for it, but I have NO patience for stupid drivers.

... that I had my FIRST Chick-fil-A milkshake over the weekend and I think I am HOOKED. It was SO good. I'm hoping I can convince Seth to go again this weekend. I got cookies and cream and LOVED it. Any other recommendations?

... that I was NOT sad to see Olivia leave the Bachelor last week. This week's episode was so much more enjoyable without her there!

... that I HATE paying for shipping. HATE IT. I'd much rather something cost more and having the shipping built in and me not know about it than having to add shipping at the end.

... that I also always add enough stuff to my cart to make it free shipping, especially at Old Navy/Gap online. Not that I really ever have that problem since stuff ships for free at only $50. If I had to choose, I'd probably do all my online shopping at Old Navy/Gap and Nordstrom just for the shipping. Oh, and Target, since I'm pretty sure I get free shipping with my Red Card as well.

... that I've had Dunkin' Donuts TWICE in my lifetime. In my defense, there wasn't one even semi nearby until a year or so ago. The nearest one is by Seth's dad's house so the first time we went over after it was built, I convinced Seth to stop.

... that I also have to admit, I wasn't that impressed by Dunkin'. I almost always get a Vanilla Latte from Starbucks, so I ordered the same thing from Dunkin' and I thought it tasted like vanilla syrup. I had it again recently and thought the same thing. I had to use half of that drink mixed with my own coffee at home to make it taste even somewhat drinkable. Am I just ordering the wrong thing? Help! I want to like it, but I think I am a true Starbucks girl. #starbucksforever

Can you relate to any of my confessions?


  1. Rain there is like snow here. They can be calling for a half inch of snow and all the milk, eggs, and bread will be gone from the grocery store. Annoying! I like Dublin donuts donuts, but our mom and pop place is way better! I got annoyed by our window clings too and Emmy would get one and put it in her mouth, womp womp.

  2. So I'm not a coffee drinker but from what I've heard, people like their plain old regular coffee but for flavored stuff and specialty drinks, stick with Starbucks. I like Dunkin for the hot chocolate and donuts ;) Chick-fil-a... Try the frozen lemonade... It's basically a milkshake too. And I'm so bummed about tv last Thursday. Fios in my area crapped out and every show after a certain time went in and out and the sound didn't match the video since the screen kept freezing. So now I need to find HTGAWM and elementary online to watch before I watch tonight's episodes :(.

  3. Not impressed by Dukin?! We can't be friends. And now I want a donut. So double whammy.

  4. I'm with you on the free shipping. I hate paying for it, so will try and find coupon codes before I buy anything :) I too have been majorly slacking on the blog; I've just been uninspired lately and am in kind of a writer's block. I have to admit I've never been to Dunkin but I'm interested to see what the hype about their coffee is.

  5. I hate paying for shipping too! If you get free shipping at $50 and my shopping cart totals $40, I will always find other things to add just so I get the free shipping.

  6. Yes DD drinks are far too sweet for me! As are Caribou, Scooters, and every other coffee chain around here! Starbucks all the way! (Though I have gotten a less sweet vanilla latte from DD before. I don't know what they do differently but I just ask for the less sweet option...try that!) And yes to be annoyed when other bloggers don't respond to questions. No big deal if I leave a random comment, but I specifically emailed a pretty famous blogger a few months ago to ask a very specific question about a Christmas gift I wanted to buy, and no response, ever. Though I will say, I lived under a rock for years and didn't know you could respond to comments by replying to the email (assuming they weren't a no-reply-comment blogger). And yes to spending a minimum of $50 at ON. Always! Happy Thursday!

  7. Ugh! Shipping. I seriously didn't order like an $11 shirt because it was $8.95 for shipping! What the what. I'll just go to the store & find something similar.

    I'm with you on the emails / replies, too. It may take me a day or two or even three, but I always respond to comments or emails. I hate when people don't. It always makes me feel like I'm not "good" enough. And it's just rude. Clearly, I've had that built up. ;)

  8. Ugh! Shipping. I seriously didn't order like an $11 shirt because it was $8.95 for shipping! What the what. I'll just go to the store & find something similar.

    I'm with you on the emails / replies, too. It may take me a day or two or even three, but I always respond to comments or emails. I hate when people don't. It always makes me feel like I'm not "good" enough. And it's just rude. Clearly, I've had that built up. ;)

  9. Shipping sucks. I guess I need a Target red card - they have the worst shipping. That's why I buy EVERYTHING on Amazon Prime. I like Dunkin's plain coffee. Much better than Starbucks plain coffee. But if I'm getting a fancy drink, I like Starbucks too.

  10. You have rain drivers, we have snow drivers here. People who have lived in Wisconsin their WHOLE lives just cannot comprehend what it was like to drive with the white stuff - & I'm not talking about a storm (I get that) but a slight dusting & they just lose it. *shakes head in disgust*

  11. It also really annoys me or makes me sad when you comment on someones blog and they NEVER respond. Ok, maybe you get busy and forget every so often, but I have some of my favorite blogs I comment on all the time & I NEVER get a response :( It makes me so sad!

  12. Starbucks vanilla latte girl here too!! Though I always order mine "no foam, with whip" takes it to the next level!

    I love confession posts too :)

  13. I am with you on shipping- HATE IT!
    Same thing happens here when it rains... but I turned into that idiotic driver in the snow in Utah, ha! But that shiz is seriously scary, like for real!
    I don't even know why I'm making a remark here since I don't drink coffee (never have) but I've HEARD that DD tastes cheap compared to SB's. I mean, I've heard that a lot, and that's the only reason why I'm saying something :) ha ha!

  14. Blog slackin' and free shippin' - RIGHT HERE!! :) Haha, I even randomly try promo code 'freeship' on whatever website in hopes it'll work and it has before!!

  15. I am all about Starbucks drinks too. Seriously, nothing else compares. I haven't had Dunkin Donuts much either. Let me know if you find something yummy!

  16. I also hate when people don't respond to my emails! The other day somebody actually sent me an email looking for advice and I replied and never heard anything back from them! That annoys me too...

  17. Oh I hate paying for shipping to! Sometimes if I know I can return instore I just buy more than I actually want and return the rest to avoid the shipping cost. I know that sounds crazy but I HATE paying for shipping posts.

    Dunkin coffee isn't even comparable to Starbucks, but oh those donuts. It is quite a bit cheaper to. Especially in the afternoon when the iced coffee is on sale.

    Not emailing back, just not cool.

  18. Ive never had a chick-fil-a ilkshake before and the last time I ate there was in 2008 before getting married when Brian and I were visiting his Aunt in Arkansas! Wished there was one closer lol. Im overdue. I will always pay to get free shipping, its like a sickness! Which is also why I havent bought anything from thredUP, $12.95, no way buddy!!!

  19. Dunkin is readily available here but Starbucks is soooo much better! I only get regular coffee if I do get Dunkin- def not a latte. Honestly their coffee is weak and when they add the milk it's practically white, so a little coffee with your milk. Yuck! So order cream in the side if you ever try it again. And strawberry chick fil a milkshakes are the best & I would never ever order strawberry, but my son insisted one day and now that's what we'll always get!

  20. I was shaking my head yes to so many of these confessions!! Loved seeing olivia gone and can't believe you just had your first Chick fil A milkshake. They are so incredible!! -Home of Malones

  21. Don't even get me started on drivers in SoCal... Anytime "weather" happens people lose it. I can't handle it.
    Olivia - oh my gosh - that girl needed to have left SO much sooner than she did. What a whack.
    I'm with you on S'Bucks v. DD. I've only had a couple drinks from DD, but was a little underwhelmed each time.
    And now I'm looking at our V-Day window clings thinking it's probably time to take them down.

  22. Coffee at Dunkin Donuts is like drinking french vanilla creamer, which leaves you craving more coffee and in need of a nap. However, those blueberry cake donuts are the well donuts to my coffee! Starbucks needs to make their own donuts! Strawberry milkshake at Chik Fil A!
    Love these confessions! Makes me want to spill some of my own...yikes!

  23. Starbucks for ever, girl. I'm in the land of Dunkin (east coast) and seriously, it's the worst. I think it might be healthier to have a Snickers than a Coffee with Milk and Sugar... or Sugar and Milk with a drop of coffee. I dont even care for their donuts.

  24. These posts are so fun! I don't like Dunkin's coffee drinks. To much sugar for sure. I do love donuts... really any donuts. :)

    I love these confession posts, too :) So fun to read!

  25. DD coffee blows. Don't do it. Don't go to the dark side! SB4LYFE!!!!!

  26. Dunkin for coffee and Starbucks for specialty drinks is the trick! I get blueberry hot or iced coffee from Dunkin and its amazing!

  27. I am all about the chick fil a sweet tea, but haven't had a milkshake. This is probably all for the better since I'm dairy free now!

  28. I'm totally with you on the shipping thing! I'd rather the item be more expensive and have "free shipping" then have $8 tacked on the end of my bill.

    Edye // Gracefulcoffee.wordpress.com

  29. Love this! Everyone in the NE LOVES DD...I don't! I'll get a black coffee from there, if I drive by one, but I don't love it. Their donuts, however....delish! And shipping...never!! I would rather drive across town to Carters instead of paying their $6 shipping. Today, they have 30% off clearance, so I ordered some stuff, but they only had free shipping if you buy a pair of shoes. Luckily, they had flip flops for Cam for $5, so bam. Bought them. And the whole blogger thing...I've emailed a few "bigger" ones with questions and NOTHING. They don't even respond to my comments, so I stopped commenting. Bummer, huh?!


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