[2nd birthday] Happy Birthday, Mason!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Happy Friday! I've been looking forward to this Friday all week month! I've decided to take a little break from our Summer Bucket List link up this week because today is... Mason's 2nd birthday! Don't worry, I'll be back next week with more summer fun, but for this week, I wanted to share some thoughts with my sweet boy.


Dear Mason,

Today is your 2nd birthday! Happy birthday sweet boy! I can't believe this day has come. I've been looking forward to it all month and secretly dreading it at the same time. I absolutely love celebrating the day that you came into our lives and joined our family but also don't think I am quite ready for you to grow up. One seems so little - like you are still my baby. And while you will always be my baby, the age of two seems so much older; you're officially a toddler.

I still remember the day you were born. Even though it was two whole years ago, I remember every detail...every detail from the in n out dinner that your dad and I had the night before (our last dinner as a family of two!) to freaking out about going to the hospital too late and getting stuck on the freeway in the fair and/or beach summer traffic to every last detail of our hospital stay. I wasn't the most organized, I didn't have a birth plan, but every last detail of your birth story was perfect. The moment I laid eyes on you, I was in love. In a love that I didn't know that I could have for someone I just met 5 seconds ago. But you were a part of me - a part of your dad - and you were perfect. You had a full head of hair and strong lungs!

They let us stay in the hospital for two nights and we went home on the third day. I felt so unprepared. How was I qualified to take care of a baby? I'd only been a mom for three days! But once we got home, I just knew. That mother's intuition that they talk about is real. The first couple weeks/months weren't the easiest, especially when we found out that you had silent reflux. But we worked through it and things got better. We got to do so many fun things, just you and me, when I was on maternity leave and come October, it was one of the hardest days of my life. 

We've been through so much since then. Your dad and I have throughly enjoyed watching you learn, grow, and explore. We've loved seeing your personality evolve. We've been on vacation together and you've been to four states (some more than once!) in your two years of life.  I've said it at every age (and meant it at every age!) but this is my favorite age. I'm so excited to celebrate your birthday with you today and cannot wait to see what adventure awaits us in your second year! 

Happy birthday sweet boy! We love you so, so much!

All our love,
Mommy and Daddy


Don't forget to link up your posts with my other co-hosts this week!

Thank you to everyone who has been linking up with us each week! I've been really enjoying reading each and every one of your posts and getting some great ideas of things to do this summer! Don't forget to link up with us again next week, sharing the fun activities that you've been up to this summer!

Stephanie at Wife Mommy Me | Desiree with Macke Monologues | Jenny from The Chronicles of We
Becky of bybmg | Courtney from Sweet Turtle Soup | Elizabeth at Chasin' Mason


  1. Happy Birthday Mason! Hope his day is amazing :)

  2. HES TWO!!!! happy birthday sweet boy!!

  3. Precious and so sweet. :) Happy Birthday, Mason!!

  4. oh you had me tearing up! not hard really, but still so sweet =) Happy Birthday Mason! I feel like we've been celebrating his birthday for weeks now! Keep it up, birthday month!!

  5. Happy birthday mason! I saw on Instagram that you had a wonderful day with mommy and daddy! Hope two treats you well ;). Myles will be joining the club in less than a month!

  6. ah such a sweet post! Happy Birthday Mason!

  7. Sweet, sweet Mason!! I can't believe he's TWO! Time flies so dang fast! This is the sweetest post ever, Liz. You're the BEST momma!

  8. Happy Birthday Mason! I LOVE the black and white photo of him as a baby- babies are the best!!

  9. Such a sweet post, happy birthday mason!!!!


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