Hi everyone, I'm Cynthia and I blog over at Living In Neverland. What was once a general "lifestyle" blog has turned into more of a Mom Blog recently. I don't have the chance to blog as often as I used to, but I don't mind trading blog posts for time with my little boy! Thanks so much to Liz for inviting me to guest post about being a #BOYMOM !!
I would have been happy either way, but knowing my boyfriend wanted a boy, I was happy on his behalf when we learned the sex of our little bun in the oven. :-) I really didn't have any idea, going into that ultrasound appointment, so I can't say I was shocked.
My son made an unexpectedly early appearance into the world and we were not prepared. (#understatementoftheyear) Now that we've been parents for a full year (*sob*!!) there are lots of things I have grown to cherish about having this little guy in our lives. A lot of things I love about my little dude are probably not exclusive to #boymoms, but I don't have a girl so they are what stands out to me!
I love little boy clothes... from his "dress up" stuff, to his play clothes, and everything in between. While there are obviously tons of adorable girl clothes, I think the little boy stuff is equally adorable. They are like mini versions of grown up clothes.
Baby jeans, in particular, kill me!
I love seeing him with his Daddy, imitating noises he makes, or high fives, or even just turning the lights on and off (and on and off and on and off!)
I love his hugs and kisses. He is quite a cuddle monkey. Cuddles with Daddy in morning and with Mama at night. It's so cute.
I love watching him grow and change and learn! He gets so excited over little things, and it is contagious.
I'm looking forward to whatever comes in the future with our boy... be it trains/cars/trucks/snakes/dirt. The though of someday taking him to sports practice (or art/music/dancing/whatever he decides), or cheering him on in the stands makes my heart melt. I'll be there to teach, love, and support him through anything and everything throughout his life. (Although thinking about him as a teenager and hormones and girls and all that doesn't sound very fun! haha) I hope that his Dad and I can raise him to be a gentleman, polite, kind, and just an overall good person. It's daunting, but I think we can do it! So far it's been a lot of fun being a #BOYMOM and I look forward to the years to come!
Right now, he's such a sweetheart. He smiles and buries his head in my neck and I could almost cry thinking about the day in the (not so distant) future when he won't do that anymore. I hope he'll always be a Mama's boy at heart.
Thank again to Liz for having me today!
Stop by my blog if you want to follow my weekly pics or my (infrequent) posts about life with this cutie pie!
If you would like to share a post about you and your son, email me at chasinmasonblog@gmail.com .
I would love to feature you! You don't have to have a blog to participate!
Thanks for having me!! :-)