Hi there, sweet readers! My name is Jessica, and I blog about this and that over on my little slice of the internet, The Newly. I am wife to my sweet hubby, B and mama to our little wild man, Caleb, who is 15 months old, and the very definition of a crazy toddler. He keeps us on our toes, that's for sure. But we wouldn't have it any other way!
After the excitement wore off a bit however, the terror set in. I remember feeling so scared. Excited, but scared. A strange assortment of feelings. Because all I knew was 'girl stuff.' All I was familiar with was pink, glittery, princesses, and fairies. I knew nothing of dirt, sports, cars, trucks and all things boy. I was certain that there'd been a big mistake. I wasn't meant to be a boy mom. No, that ultrasound had to be wrong. There had to be a baby girl in there, just waiting for an oversized bow and everything pink and monogrammed. Right?
And then, Caleb arrived.
I love being a boy mom now. The things that I thought would scare me - the trains, cars, trucks and boats - are things I love playing with my son. If it makes him smile, it makes me smile. The rambunctious nature that comes so natural to boys is something I've come to love. When my little man isn't around, the house feels too quiet now. The boy clothing I thought was so boring compared to the frills and bows of girl clothing is something I've grown to love. I spend way more time flipping through racks of toddler clothes than of clothes for myself these days, and dream about the next adorable outfit I can put my son in.
And that love? The love of a mother and her son? There's truly nothing like it. The bond between my son and I is so strong. I know that one day, I will have to let go and let him be a 'guys guy', but for right now, I am loving that he is a 'momma's boy'. I love feeling his chubby little hand in mine when we're walking down the sidewalk after preschool. I love the mischievous glint in his eye before he does something wild, like pull all of the books off my bookshelf and leave them strewn across my bedroom, or empty my bathroom cupboards to dump everything in the tub. I love the dimples in his cheeks when he grins, and the sound of his giggle when he's happy. I literally love everything about this boy of mine.

If you would like to share a post about you and your son, email me at chasinmasonblog@gmail.com .
I would love to feature you! You don't have to have a blog to participate!
Thank you so much for having me today, Elizabeth! I enjoyed getting to write about life as a boy mom for your series:) So fun!
ReplyDeleteThis.... And that love? The love of a mother and her son? There's truly nothing like it. The bond between my son and I is so strong. I know that one day, I will have to let go and let him be a 'guys guy', but for right now, I am loving that he is a 'momma's boy'. - LOVE and agree 100%