You Know You're a Mom When...

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

... you are giving your kid a bath and know that that is the PERFECT opportunity to get those darn boogers out of your kids nose.... while they are good and wet (sorry for those of you not moms!). And secretly sing the victory song when you get a good one!

... you are putting your kid in the car to take him to preschool when all of a sudden the milk cup starts leaking. You freak and pull it back before it gets all over his shirt (and you have to take him inside to change) and while you pull back, he lets go of the straw and milk sprays in your face and your eye. You are a bit surprised but shake it off and wipe it off and put the kid in the car.

... you can multi-task like a pro (sorry dad... oh and any police officers maybe?) but I totally fixed Mason's leaky cup while driving (on the freeway) to drop him off at preschool. Maybe not the smartest thing (though I did have my eyes on the road the whole time believe it or not). Held the straw in my mouth so it didn't leak all over my pants and fixed the sippy cup inners with my hand and voila! Back in business.

... you have to wash the same load of laundry twice because you forgot to change it over to the dryer in a timely fashion.

... you turn the dryer on to "fluff" the wrinkles out of the clothes that you left in there over night ... or longer. hear the toddler start to wake (or so you think) on the monitor so you as quietly as possible (because moving "too loudly" on the other end of the monitor will surely wake him), click the button to check on him and make sure he is still sleeping because it is (always) too early! give your kid a half a banana and turn your head for a minute and when you look back, the banana is gone. Did he eat it??? Where is it??? Please tell me he ate it... What does rotting banana smell like? Oh no...

and speaking of food... see something under the couch, remember that you STILL haven't found that banana that you are unsure of where it went, and wondering if that is it. You are too scared to touch it to find out. Then get up enough strength to touch it and realize... it is just part of a black bean taquito that your kid had for lunch THAT day and breathe a huge sigh of relief.

And you know you're a dad when... you are trying to take a small nap on the couch since you just worked the swap meet from 5am-2:30pm and have been up since 2:30am when your toddler runs to get a bag of chips and slams them into your chest to get you to wake up and open them for him. And when you say no, he climbs up on the couch on to you and shakes them in your face. Sorry Seth!


  1. Oh the things I "fix" while driving! Espically now that everything is a drive! Sippy cups, ipad games, doll dresses, etc. Just don't tell! Let's not talk about the things I've "reached" for either... haha! Keep em happy keep the car moving! OH and laundry lol totally with you!

  2. Oh the laundry! We do that a lot over here! The booger thing cracked me up cause it's so true!

  3. Definately mom things! When I load our students into their cars at carpool from school, take one look at the car/van and you will so be able to relate to their days. Have a great one. Fun post.

  4. Bahaha! Yes, yes AND YES! It's a lot of work being a mom, obviously, but I don't really think about it when I'm doing it. But reading these posts? I don't know how I'm ever going to handle TWO! ha ha!

  5. Hahaha! Totally laughed at some of these! So, so true! Especially about the monitor :) I'm always trying to be quiet and afraid that the littlest noise will wake Reese!

  6. Yup!! Hahaha oh boogers, and I JUST 'fluffed' a load of laundry in the dryer this morning. :) You're such an awesome momma, Liz!! No sleeping face is safe with a toddler on the loose..!!

  7. Hahahha all moms I know have made the rewashing laundry comment! So funny :)

  8. I die- that banana incident is all too real over here!

  9. I can totally relate to most of these! I actually have a similar post drafted. :) Love it! Being a mom definitely isn't glamours, but it's awesome!

  10. Ugh...the laundry!! It's always the stinky laundry that's been sitting too long! Ha. Yes, did he eat it?? Where did that food go?? Did the cat eat it?? Love all of these!

  11. The laundry... so so true. I just can't get over that either. Almost 7 years and still a problem.

    I would have to add your husband find peanut butter in you hair. True story, just happened on the way to church a couple weeks ago.

  12. I'm impressed by your driving and fixing skills!! And, who actually takes the laundry out when it beeps? I just switched mine to the dryer that had been sitting in the wash since this time yesterday. I figured it just made the cut off before I had to wash it again. AND and, I have that same thought process with food all the wait she ate all of that? it really just smooshed on her butt...

  13. I have MacGyver'd and fixed so many things while driving it's ridiculous. I've also practically fed whole meals while driving.
    The "fluff" on my dryer often runs for days because I simply do not have time to actually fold the laundry. Oops. :)

  14. What fun little reminders of the joys of parenting! Booger catching in the bath for the win!

  15. So true!! Why don't they ever let us close or eyes?????

  16. I totally just need some more sleep, all these are so true! Especially the laundry one!!


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