The Guys Behind the Blog // April Edition

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Last month, I found out through Crystal that Betsy from Heavens to Betsy has this super cool series called The Guys Behind the Blog. Unfortunately it was a little too late to join for March but I thought I would join in April! While I do talk about Seth often, I don't really know if you all know him very well. Enter : this series. Every month Betsy has different prompts that the guys behind the blog answer.

So, here we go! Here are April's questions.

1 // Has Starbucks ever spellled your name wrong on a cup? If yes, what's the craziest way that someone has spelled it?

Seth : Yes. Z-E-T.
Me : Zet???
Seth : Don't ask.

2 // Who would play your wife in a movie or TV show about your lives?

Seth : Rachel McAdams.
Me : Can I have good hair? She has ugly hair sometimes.
Seth : Of course. She'll have dark hair. Like in the wedding crashers.

3 // What is your proudest accomplishment?

Seth : Mason.

4 // What is your favorite holiday and why?

Seth : Christmas/Hanukkah. 
They've become more fun because of Mason. I love seeing him open presents and get excited.

5 // What is your favorite breed of dog? If you don't have a favorite breed, describe the characteristics of your ideal dog (or cat)!

Seth : Siberian husky. I want a Shiba Inu. They are like little husky's.

And there you have it folks. He's a man of very few words.

Thanks for playing along, Seth!


  1. Fun! I always enjoy reading more about the guys! Chris is convinced I get less comments whenever he is the focus of a post!

  2. Tiny huskies! Those are cute. I like Zet..maybe a name change in the future? Very....futuristic.

  3. Rachel Adams does totally sometimes have bad hair! And bring on the huskies!

  4. Love this idea! And his answers :) It's always funny to me when I read things written (or said) by guys. They're so straight forward and to the point. Unlike us girls :)

  5. bahaha! Eric's a man of very few words as well! Love it!!

  6. Fun! My husband is a man of few words too... or he'll go on on this tangent that is so nerdy that I just can't even. Love him still though :) LOL

  7. What a fun series; don't think my hubby would be as willing to participate, so all the more cool points to 'Zet' haha. Love Rachel McAdams, but definitely the dark hair or super blonde versions.

  8. Rachel McAdams' hair was so pretty in Wedding Crashers! Fun to get to know Zet! haha

  9. How fun, I think I need to join along..!! :) At least he gave real/serious answers, I have a feeling I have some convincing to do to get Dan to play along. ;) I'll just tell him Seth did it, so he needs to also.

  10. Siberian Husky's are Thomas favorite breed too! I told him that I would get him one for our first married Christmas and I did! Her name is Sakari and the best husky ever! Although I don't think I would ever get another one...she is very unique and I know we would never get one with the same temperament or behavior. They are a lot of fun but need room to burn off energy.

  11. So glad you joined in! I goofed and totally posted mine way too early. Oops! This is a fun series, though! Nate is opposite...he's a man of many, many words {could talk to a complete stranger for hours} but when it comes to asking him questions he is short and to the point. So weird! haha

  12. Ha, I love how specific he was about Rachel McAdams hair... "in wedding crashers"! Too cute!

  13. These posts are always so much fun!
    My favorite Q&A: What is your proudest accomplishment? "Mason." Heart melted.
    And seriously, how do you mess up spelling Seth?! Z-e-t?! WHAT?!!
    I want Scott to do one of these but he just won't. What a joy-kill.

  14. Awww, I love his answer for proudest accomplishment. What a good dad! I think that you have a keeper there, girlie. :)

    Mandie ~

  15. This is a fun series! I might have to try it in the future! BUT tell Seth he does NOT want a Shiba Inu. They bark all the time. Like non stop. Huskies? They hardly ever bark (at least the ones i've been around). Trust me with a kid you do not want a barky dog. :) OH and I literaly lol out loud at the spelling of his name. I don't even know where to start with that one!


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