Friday Five!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Holy moly! I can't believe it's Friday already! No joke, this week went by SO. FAST. I thought it would drag since we were nursing our Disneyland hangover all day Monday and into Tuesday, but now it's Friday and I couldn't be more excited! Seth and I are off to our July date tomorrow night and Mason is set to have a fun date day with his Nanny.

But before we jump ahead to the weekend... here's what I'm loving this week!

Paw Patrol.
I think I've mentioned before but Mason has recently become OBSESSED with Paw Patrol. He saw the show at a baby shower we were at a month or so ago and has become obsessed -- so much so that we had to download the Nick Jr app so he could watch it since we don't have Nick Jr. So when I was at Target yesterday, I knew I HAD to get this shirt for him. Seriously, he's going to FLIP when he sees it!

Old Navy Half Zip Pullover Sweaters.

These sweaters. I literally bought 5 of them online yesterday (blue, grey, green/white stripe, maroon/blue stripe, and blue/grey stripe) -- NO JOKE. I have LOVED them ever since I bought my first one for Seth's cousins twin boys many years ago. And then I had my own boy and now I get to dress him in these cute things. They wash well, wear well, and Mason looks dang cute in them so since Old Navy was having a huge sale yesterday (I got 40% off my purchase for spending over $100!), I stocked up on these for the Fall. Seriously, I HIGHLY recommend them if you have boys (or need presents for boys)!

Hanna Andersson -- Nordstrom sale.


If you love Hanna Andersson jammies, you need to shop the Nordstrom sale! I knew Nordstrom sold Hanna Andersson but I was surprised to see them on the Anniversary sale at such a good price! I miiiiight have asked for both of these for Christmas for Mason as I am LOVING this dinosaur print and this space ship print! #allthehearteyeemojis

FAVORITE birthday present.

Mason was so, so spoiled for his birthday! Seriously, every morning he walks over to hand me a new present to open. So much for holding some items back for a "rainy day". He's loved everything he's opened and played with but hands down, these Magformers are his FAVORITE present! We don't really build what they say you can build, but we more just build a tower but Mason is in heaven and seriously plays with them for a good 30 minutes straight. I'm definitely adding another set to his Christmas wish list!

The potty.

You guys. THIS IS HAPPENING. I started putting Mason in pull ups a couple weeks ago because I thought maybe I could talk them up and say they were "big boy underwear" and maybe we could start the potty training process that way. Preschool ran out of diapers and asked for more so I gave them pull ups and said we were going to try those now. I don't know if they thought I was starting to potty train him at home (I wasn't) but they started at school (suuuuuuuuuper slowly) and said he is SO happy sitting on the potty! I immediately had Seth ask them which potty they were using and I just bought one last night. (Oddly enough, this was not the first kind they tried. They tried a different one and he hated it and refused to use it, and then tried this one and he loved it. I was surprised when Seth told me it was this one as I figured it would for sure be Mickey!) I'm hoping he loves it as much at home as he does at school! We have no expectations and no timeline but I'm just happy he's ok with the idea of it. Since he still doesn't talk, I wasn't going to push it because how would he tell me he had to go, but if they want to work on it at school, I'm all for it. Right now he sits on the potty, won't pee, and then helps them pull up his pull up and his shorts so he starts to get the concept. As much as I'd LOVE to not have to buy diapers/pull ups anymore (save money!), I'm actually ok with him still being in some sort of diaper. What do you do when you're checking out at the grocery store and he yells he has to go potty?? Or you're on the way home from school and he yells he has to go potty?! I'm not ready for this! Wish us luck!

Happy weekend!


  1. That's what I worry about once noah is potty trained! Diapers are easy... No sudden emergencies! We have that toilet seat too and noah uses it at bath time but not on a regular basis. And we love Hanna andersson... I had no clue Nordstrom sold their pjs!!! I'll have to check those out. Noah loves rockets and dinosaurs!!!

  2. First of all, Paw Patrol is so popular right now. Our little guy is still to little for it, but our nephew is obsessed! He had a Paw Patrol third Birthday party. Second thanks for sharing those Old Navy them! I like finding things that wear and wash well :)

  3. Oh my that shirt. I have to go find it at our Target. My grandson is obessed too and he only watches it when he is at our house. He will see it on the commercial and keep asking to watch it even though it is not on yet. He doesn't understand Grammie cannot control the networks!!!! I wish I could! Let you know if I find it.

  4. I love those shirts from ON. I usually get the bulk of Connor's clothes from there so I'll have to check out the sales and see if I can snag some for him.
    I can't wait for Mason to get our gift. I think he will be excited!

  5. Lucky!! This week has dragged for me, ha ha! Oh my gosh- potty training!! EXCITING (and scary!!) Good luck and I can't wait to hear how it goes! I'll need all the details for the day that I finally decide to potty train Mia, ha ha!

  6. I feel like I'm still nursing my vacation hangover! LOL

    Scarlett loves Paw Patrol too, she would be obsessed with that T-shirt.

    I am so jealous of your potty training success... I'm starting to feel immense pressure to potty train Scarlett and just feel like I have to keep defending my decision NOT to potty train her yet. I just know she's not ready but she's starting to warm up to the idea... so baby steps, I guess ;)

  7. I didnt know Hanna Andersson was sold at Nordstroms! I HAVE to check it out now ;) Masons preschool gets a gold star, not many schools do potty training anymore. What a great help! He just keeps growing up!

  8. hahah I'm with you on diapers. I do not want to buy another single one. But also I don't want to be on potty watch all day every day esp when we are out. What about disney? um kid we are in the middle of the damn line... go try after each and every ride?
    Those sweaters are oh so cute. I think Aria looks cute in that style too, which is why I always check the boy section when we go to our second hand kids store. I wish we lived where it was colder. Although I definitely remember thinking when we lived in CO if I was ever going to be warm again lol. Can't win!

  9. The potty emergencies definitely aren't as often as you would anticipate because you are offering to go more. Like entering the store you immediately go potty, that way (usually) there is no need to go again until home. ;) yall can do it for sure! Those magnet transformer things look like so much fun!!

  10. Good luck with potty training! I'm off to look into those half zip pullovers! I'm sure my boys need some!

  11. We have a potty that Ellie loves and she will not go on the other ones I have tried...ours is from Ikea so you know its a cheapo! I really want to get her started...maybe after the wedding next week!!

  12. Good luck with the potty training! And those sweaters are so cute for boys! I love the half-zip!

  13. That potty seat is the BEST!! I love it. Seriously, we tried four of them and I'm not making that up. I gave all the others away and ordered a 2nd of that one. I love that it's all one piece. My only word of caution is that if you use it on a shared potty, when you take it off, have some toilet paper in hand to wipe it real quick b/c if pee is on it it will drip on your floor. I speak from experience, haha! Also, if you see a Paw Patrol with only Ryder, let me know. Reed has placed his request and I can find the dogs, but not Ryder. He also wants to be him for Halloween, and guess which costume doesn't exist?? Ugh.

  14. That Paw Patrol shirt!! I'm making a point to stop at Target tomorrow to see if I can't find one for Marcus. He would be over the moon if he had that shirt.
    How are you even thinking about sweaters right now?! I'm basically melting as I type this (I'm sure the hormones have nothing to do with this...)
    I need to look into these Megaformers. They look pretty awesome, and look like they'd be a perfect indoor activity!
    WHOOP WHOOP for the start of potty training! You will all do great, and before you know it Mason will be a champ when it comes to using the restroom.

  15. those half zip pullovers are the cutest. i love when kids dress like adults, and these are perfect for that. mason is going to be so handsome this fall/winter.

  16. Good luck with potty training! I was definitely dreading it, but it really hasn't been bad at all. Once Reese went on the potty for the first time, she understood the concept, so hoping that happens for you guys. Love those sweaters too- I'm a big fan of Old Navy for kids clothes!

  17. That shirt is adorable. Good luck with potty training!

  18. Last week did fly by! The days were long, but the week was short. If that makes any kind of sense. I am loving those sweaters. I think I need to get to an Old Navy stat. The nearest one is about 35 minutes away. Wishing you all of the potty training luck!

  19. I did not see those dinosaur Jammie's at the sale... Love! Also, put a potty in your car for those moments when you need to pull over! I also pretty much let Liam pee anywhere outdoors. We just find a tree and go!

  20. Oh potty training is a bitch. :( It's actually gone really well for us (knock on wood), but you really do have to commit and your kid has to be ready and willing. We're getting ready to drive to Chicago next weekend (5+ hours in the car!!) and I'm not excited about it. I'll let you know what we do. It may be a diaper day. :)

  21. Wahoo for potty training you guys can totally do this!

    I KNEW you would love those Magformers. They are simply the coolest ever. Those boy pj's are super cute too :).

  22. How did I miss the Hanna pjs on sale! And those sweaters are adorable, I'm totally ordering some for Jude!


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