This weekend was a FOUR (!!!) day weekend for me and it couldn't have been more perfect. Mason's school was closed for an extra day (Friday) for a Teacher Prep day so I took the day off work and got to be with him all day. "All day" I'd use loosely because I was basically his taxi service, but it was a nice day nonetheless. It started off in the morning with some cartoons and some breakfast. Then I dropped him off for some ABA therapy at the learning center (vs a home session - He normally has his therapy at school on Fridays but since the school was closed, we could have had a home session or a learning center session. Since we're having some drop off separation issues at the learning center, Seth and I thought it would be better to have him go there, to learn that it is ok, and we always come back (and he's always SO happy to see us so I know he's not mad we leave him) and help the transition there get better). I left him, he cried, it BROKE my heart, and then I left and ran some errands. Let me tell you, Target on a Friday morning around 9am is pretty empty! And I got a Starbucks. It was amazing.
I ran a few more errands, came home for an hour, and then went back to pick him up. We came home, ate lunch, he napped, I blogged, and then I took him to his speech class where I got to sit in and talk to his therapist. We came home and then Seth came home from work and we had the whole evening together.
Saturday, Seth and I dropped Mason off at the learning center again. He cried and didn't want us to leave, again, my heart BROKE, again, and we went off to get some Starbucks and breakfast and to run to Costco. We came home, Seth worked on a little DIY (that I plan to reveal next week!) and we just hung out for a bit until it was time to get Mason. We picked him up, came home, he napped, I made some banana bread, and then I had the idea to eat an early dinner and go to that delicious ice cream sandwich place that we went to a couple weeks ago for an ice cream date night.
It didn't disappoint.
Sunday we had a challah french toast breakfast (my fave!), followed by a trip to the library for story time, lunch time, nap time, s'mores brownie baking time, and then we headed over to our friends Lauren and Seth's for a little pre-Labor Day BBQ. The kids played, the adults talked and ate, I got to hold their new baby (dying! baby fever!), and we had a great time. Mason stayed up WAY passed his bed time, which resulted in an EARLY wake up call at 5:15am on Monday but it was worth it.
Monday we had a lazy morning of cartoons and Good Morning America followed by a trip to the grocery store for the week, a nap for Mason, and then a Monday family dinner night BBQ at Papa's house.
Overall, the perfect combination of busy and relaxing and I'm sad to see the weekend is over. However, YAY for short week and the weekend coming even sooner! Hope you all had a great Labor Day weekend as well!
That's too bad Mason has been having separation anxiety. I guess I figured he'd be a pro now. Just goes to show you parenting is always about ebbs and flows and is never easy. But yeah, isn't target amazing during the week!? I now hate to go anywhere on the weekend because of the crowds!
ReplyDeleteJust gimme allllllllll the food. Seriously. Ice cream sandwiches! S'mores brownies! SO GOOD. And target on a weekday morning? MAGIC. Especially sans the kiddo!
ReplyDeleteI am still drooling over those brownies!! I WANT SOME! Ha ha!! Girl! I am sooooo glad you got to have such a long weekend! You totally deserved it!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice weekend! So sorry to hear about the separation anxiety. It will get better with time & routine! I used to work in a daycare & to be honest drop offs were hard, but quickly forgot about after just a few minutes. :)
ReplyDeleteYou did a ton of baking! I'll be there soon!
Challah french toast, bless it!!! All your food just looks and sounds amazing (guess that says a lot about me lol) It is a sad day when you forget Monday was a holiday and make your 4 year old do schooling, oops ;)
ReplyDeleteYay for long weekends! Happy unofficial start to autumn!
ReplyDeleteThose ice cream sandwiches are making me drool. I wish we had a place like that here!
ReplyDeleteI adore the picture of Mason with the laptop and his little legs crossed at the ankles. Precious! Looks like y’all had a great weekend. And you guys are just the most adorable little family!
ReplyDeleteLong weekends are seriously the best. I honestly think work weeks should only be 4 days instead of 5. We can all dream, right?
ReplyDeleteWe are having separation issues at preschool drop off. It kills me every single time. And it all came out of nowhere. I totally feel you on how hard that is on a momma's heart.
That ice cream sandwich... YES! There is a place in LA that has something like that and it's been ages since we've been. Next time we're down your way we MUST stop in and grab one of those delicious treats.
As for that s'more brownie. HOLY SMOKES! Yard House has that as a dessert, and Scott and I have come to find we go to Yard House more for that than the dinner... SO GOOD.
Long weekends are definitely the best. And wow, you make a lot of goodies! Those brownies look AMAZING. As do those ice cream cookie sandwiches. I swear with this baby, I'm constantly hungry. Solo shopping at Target is the best, especially when it's empty. I've noticed that since the end of August, Target and Costco are a lot less busy during the week cuz of school, so it makes my lunch time runs much more enjoyable :)
ReplyDeleteThose ice cream sandwiches!!!!! Also...that s'mores bake!!!!!! And I see that you were using your solo time to look at items for Mason...(Paw Patrol). Why do us mommies always tend to do that? ;)
ReplyDeleteTell me more about that s'more brownie thing! Drooling.
ReplyDeleteWell you lost me at smores brownies really!
ReplyDeleteFour day weekends are my absolute favorites! The ice cream place, again. Oh my goodness SO yummy. That place is just amazing. Challah french toast would be so good too. The girls and I made some homemade challah once. It was pretty tricky to braid but oh so worth it.
ReplyDeleteHappy Hump Day!
What a great weekend, you guys are always on the go!! :) Little LEFTIE Mason!!
ReplyDeleteAh, I see everyone is on the same page - might need more info on those s'mores brownies, YUM.