25 Days of Christmas Books

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Ever since last year, I had been wanting to do the 25 days of Christmas books. Last year I thought Mason was too little, so I started collecting Christmas books for my collection instead. But this year, I decided to do it! The 25 days countdown officially started on Sunday, the 1st.

I bought a little tree at Target that I thought I would put in Mason's room and have the books underneath. Then he could pick (or we could pick) a book we wanted to open and read that night and already be in his room, ready to read. Instead...the tree is in the family room, along with the books. I'm not sure if that is where it will stay, but that's where it resides right now :)

Christmas book : day 1 

Excited to open a book for day 2! 

Christmas book : day 2 

Christmas book : day 3 

I'm not sure if I will continue to post each days books, maybe a recap at the end of each week. If not weekly, I will for sure post a list of the 25 books that we read this year.

Hope everyone is having a great start to the holiday season! Happy reading :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!! 25 Days of Christmas books! We have read: Day1 - Bear Stays Up, Day 2 - Must be Santa, Day 3 - That's Not my Reindeer!
    XOXOXO!!!! Finally getting to catch up on your blog!


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