Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Fun.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Merry Christmas friends! Hope everyone had a great Christmas and Christmas Eve! I know we did. I have so much I want to share, but I will break it down into a couple posts so it's not one ridiculously long one.

I am always so excited for holidays with Mason. To see his little face light up when he explores new things is really all the present I need. And Christmas was no different. I took approximately 98762836 pictures between Christmas Eve and Day so while it may seem like I have a ton, just remember, I have toned it down to spare you the minute by minute playbook of the two days :)

The fun started off on the night of Christmas Eve Eve when I made some goodies to take to dinner both nights. I was making this grasshopper mint chocolate bark right before Mason's bed time when I decided that I needed a little taste tester to tell me if the chocolate was good or not. Someone LOVED it and started bouncing off the walls right before bed. 


Christmas Eve we were lucky enough to both be able to have off. Seth took Mason to an appointment in the morning while I rested since I seemed to have come down with a cold (perfect timing!). They got home and we decided that since it was such a nice day, we should go to the park for a bit before Mason's nap.

We came home, Mason napped, and I wrapped some last minute gifts. After Mason woke up, we headed over to Grandma Judy and Grandpa George's house (my brother-in-law's parents but we call them Grandpa and Grandma since our families are close). We had dinner, opened presents, and were even visited by Santa! We were there for a couple of hours and then came home to go to bed and wait for Santa to come to our house. It was a perfect night... made even more perfect by one of my sister-in-law's announcing that there would be a new addition to the family next summer! We are beyond excited!

We set out Santa's cookies and the reindeer's carrots and headed off to bed...

And when we woke up, we found that Santa had come!

We cleaned up the plates and then headed over to Nanny's house for Christmas morning with the fam. It was beyond perfect and I loved spending the whole morning opening presents and eating breakfast with these three. Mason has started with this cheesy smile and almost all of Christmas morning pictures have him smiling like this. 
Too stinkin' cute.

It was an American Girl Christmas for the girls and Seth, Mason, and I got them the American Girl trundle bed for their dolls. They were SO excited when they opened the box and immediately set up the bed and put their dolls to sleep.

We headed home after presents and breakfast for Mason to take a nap and to get ready for dinner. We headed back over for dinner with the extended family and had a great time.

It was a perfect Christmas! I'm already excited for next year!
Merry Christmas!