Half Truths and Half Lies on my Half Birthday

Thursday, March 19, 2015

So I just realized (yesterday) that today is my half birthday. I don't usually celebrate my half birthday (though I did see someone post about having a half cake on their half birthday and I think that is GENIUS *hint hint Seth hint hint*) but I thought doing a little quiz might be fun. I shared 30 things about me on my 30th birthday back in September but I wanted to do something a little different for my half birthday.

So, here we have it.

Half truth, half lie. On my half birthday.

Each question has 2 correct answers {the truths} and 2 incorrect answers {the lies}. In the comments below, tell me which 2 you think are TRUE and I will tell you tomorrow what the real answers are.

What are my go-to coffee drinks at Starbucks?
1. Vanilla Latte
2. Mocha
3. Caramel Macchiato
4. Caramel Frappuchino

Which vegetables do I like out of this list?
1. Lima beans
2. Brussels sprouts
3. Fennel
4. Broccoli

What are my favorite Girl Scout cookies?
1. Tagalongs
2. Thin Mints
3. Caramel Delites (aka Samoas)
4. Lemonades

What 2 states have I lived in?
1. Arizona
2. Kansas
3. California
4. New Mexico

What 2 foods did I hate as a kid and now I love?
1. Avocado
2. Peanut Butter
3. Chocolate
4. Apples

Which of these popular TV shows have I never seen an episode of?
1. Big Bang Theory
2. Walking Dead
3. Modern Family
4. Game of Thrones

Which of these places have I been to?
1. Hershey's Chocolate Factory
2. Jelly Belly Factory
3. Teddy Bear Factory
4. The Original Starbucks in Pike's Place

Happy Guessing!


  1. 1. 1 & 4
    2. 2 & 4
    3. 1 &3
    4. 2 & 3
    5. 1 & 2
    6. 2 & 4
    7. 2 & 4

    Most of these are pure guesses! Happy Half Birthday! We will be celebrating Noah's half birthday.... Maybe I should suggest we do mine too ;).

  2. Happy Half birthday!! I feel like I don't even know you at all - I can't even begin to guess. C!

  3. I'm only playing if I get the other half of that cake as a prize.

    Happy half birthday! May all your birthday wishes come half true (which I just realized is like the meanest thing ever to say. So I take it back!).

  4. Happy half birthday! Hope you get some cake or a cookie or something :D I have no idea on most of these, except for where you lived - 3 for sure! Hehe

  5. Girl, you SO need a half cake today! That is the best idea ever! Happy half birthday :)
    And this post just made me really hungry (or it made me want to poke my eyes out, HA!) Can't wait to see your answers tomorrow! This is so fun!

  6. happy half birthday! I don't even know where to start except I do know you live in CA and I'm guessing you've been to the original Starbucks?? I also think you like Thin Mints and chocolate/? Did I get these right at least??

  7. What a fun quiz! Im not even going to attempt to answer, I always do horribly on tests ;) I'll be turning 30 in November and I dont know how I feel about it yet, ha.

  8. Okay, this ought to be interesting. . . stranger to stranger, so it is totally guessing: 1) 2 & 3 2) 2 & 4 3) 1 & 2 4) 1 & 3 5) 2 & 3. Is there a prize? What a fun thing to do!

  9. Happy half birthday!!!! All I could think about with question 1 was "she likes coffee?!" Haha bc I remember this summer how obsessed you were with that lemon green tea drink...I think that's what it was. I know it wasn't coffee. :)

  10. Happy half! I made a half cake for Abigail's 6 month and it was hilariously awesome. I never did it again but it was super funny the first time :p

  11. Happy half birthday! I have absolutely no clue but tagalongs are my favorite! ;) can't wait to read the answers!

  12. What are my go-to coffee drinks at Starbucks?
    3. Caramel Macchiato
    4. Caramel Frappuchino

    Which vegetables do I like out of this list?
    1. Lima beans
    4. Broccoli

    What are my favorite Girl Scout cookies?
    2. Thin Mints
    3. Caramel Delites (aka Samoas)

    What 2 states have I lived in?
    3. California
    4. New Mexico

    What 2 foods did I hate as a kid and now I love?
    1. Avocado
    4. Apples

    Which of these popular TV shows have I never seen an episode of?
    2. Walking Dead
    4. Game of Thrones

    Which of these places have I been to?
    2. Jelly Belly Factory
    4. The Original Starbucks in Pike's Place

  13. I nominated your blog for the Liebster Award!! Go check it out~http://www.terri-grothe.com/2015/03/liebster-award.html

  14. I'm stuck on question 1 because the tea thing isn't there!

  15. I started to comment with answers... then I realized the answers are probably already posted so I can just go look and compare. Darn me for being behind on blog reading!

  16. I'm way behind on blog reading, but I'm going to guess the truths and find out shortly if I'm right.
    1) 1&4
    2) 3&4
    3) 2&3
    4) 1&3
    5) 1&4
    6) 2&4
    7) 3&4
    Happy 1/2 Birthday!

  17. Ha, fun!! :) Happy Half Birthday!!
    1. 1,3
    2. 2,4
    3. 2,3
    4. 1,3
    5. 1,2
    6. 2,4
    7. 2,4

  18. How fun! Can't wait to see the answers.

  19. Well that's a fun post! I'm super behind on blog reading, if you can't tell! :)


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