[Thoughts on Tuesday] Confessions

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

I must confess...

... that I had planned on sharing our weekend at Disneyland today but... life.

... that it's annoying but I do my best thinking in the car or the shower - you know, the two places where you can't write things down! I try my hardest to remember and write it down when I get out or get to a stop light (shh), but sometimes it just doesn't happen and I'm disappointed that my genius (ha!) thought is gone.

... that a couple of my friends changed their blogs to private recently which means that their new posts don't show up in my bloglovin feed. Bloglovin is literally the ONLY way I read blogs because I am terrible at checking websites on their own, so I've been trying to keep the tab open so I remember to check and see if there's a new post but sometimes my computer closes the tab or I just completely forget and I feel TERRIBLE. #worstfriendever

... that I hate when people don't text back. I know you got it.

... that I am insanely scared of the garbage disposal. If something falls in there, it's gone. Forever. Or unless Seth is home to fish it out for me. I know you can unplug it, but still, nope. Never putting my hand down there.

... that I'm also scared of those car hauler trucks - like terrified to drive behind them. I know it sounds crazy but the very back cars are HANGING OFF THE BACK and I'm terrified they will fall off and hit me... even though logically I know they are attached with chains to the truck. Nope. I'd rather change lanes.

... that I was reading a blog the other day and all of a sudden a BlogHer pop up came and got in the way. I tried to hit the x to make it go away so I could see the post better but IT WOULDN'T CLOSE. Seriously, BlogHer? The fact that you are making my blog reading THAT much harder does NOT make me want to click the link. (insert eye roll emoji)

... Pokemon Go. NO. Just no. I mean people have walked into a lake, gotten in a car accident (from playing WHILE driving!), found a dead body, gotten stabbed, walked off a cliff while playing.... and that's just some of the incidents that I've heard about never mind the fact that you are telling everyone your location. Nope. You won't find me playing that game. Ever.

Can you relate to any of my confessions?


  1. I forgive you about blog commenting. ;) ha ha!!! I hate the garbage disposal too.

  2. I use bloglovin too, and when I'm done with the new posts on there, I go to the private ones. I've been remembering so far!

  3. Great confessions! I can relate to most of them, especially remembering my ideas, lol. Thanks fr hosting and have a grand week!

  4. I have my private blogs bookmarked in my toolbar and each time I open another page, I see them. It's helped me out so much! I use Chrome so you can see your bookmarks easily. But before I discovered that trick, I was totally a bad friend and would fail to read them for weeks on end.

  5. It bugs me that private blogs don't even show up on my Blogger feed anymore. I mean, the private posts never did, but at least the blogs were listed. They've completely disappeared from Blogger altogether now, and it's annoying. As is the Pokemon game. Definitely ready for that fad to end already!!

  6. I'm with you on the garbage disposal- we don't own one, but neither Scott or I wanted one when we were building our house. Did you ever watch Heroes? I specifically remember a scene when Hayden Pattienere's character stuck her hand in it. Yuck. I'm terrible about private blogs too. I only read one, but I always forget!

  7. I use bloglovin' too, and those blogs that go private, I guess I just don't read??? And popups in general are the worst, like I just want it to go away and it won't...and Yes to Pokemon Go, no thank you!

  8. I can relate to most of these! I do NOT understand Pokemon Go, I refuse to reach into a garbage disposal, I hate pop-ups and I think of blog posts while I'm driving. My husband said he's going to buy me a voice recorder. Haha! I do have to admit one thing about the text thing. I have this terrible habit of returning a text in a hurry and hitting the home button instead of send, so it saves as a draft. My friends know me quite well now and will send me texts saying, "So, did you hit home instead of send?" That's always the case!

  9. Does it make me a bad person that I find it funny when people are idiots with pokemon go? Like really you fell off a cliff? What is wrong with you? Maybe not the stabbing one, that's just creepy.

  10. I hear ya on the private blogs. I try to keep up! I use feedly.

  11. I love your confessions they always make perfect sense to me. Ive been the worst blog friend this summer, its horrible lol. Excited about the Disneyland recap!

  12. The private blogs are so hard to keep up with (which is essentially one of the big reasons I moved back to public)! I was pretty good for a while, but I'm the WORST at remembering to check those blogs often. And, I feel terrible.
    The texting. HA! Yes. My dad is THE worst at not replying to me. Buuuuut, he totally gets on my case if I don't reply to him IMMEDIATELY.
    And Pokemon Go. HARD PASS.

  13. Pokemon Go. I have friends that play it, do it, whatever it is you're supposed to do. I mean seriously, how old are we??

    Can't wait to hear all about Disney Land!

  14. I agree with you on that Pokemon game. I would not want my kid playing it.

  15. Lol I am totally agreeing with so much. I forget to read the private blogs too then swarm them with comments a jillion at a time which HAS to be annoying. I wonder if they have mailing lists. Another email would be worth getting rid of the guilt I feel :P. Car haulers are SO scary. Russ actually used to drive one of those!

  16. I'm over here nodding in agreement! Especially on being such a bad friend with the blogs that went private... If it isn't on bloglovin I totally forget! And don't even get me started on Pokemon! Chris downloaded the app to see what it was about and I made fun of him so bad! I just won't do it!

  17. Laughing at so many of these! Yes to having so many great thoughts in the car! All. the. time. I think because there is literally nothing else to do except drive and think. I forgot to check the private blogs, too, and I always feel so badly! I do have all the private blogs grouped together in BL so that makes it a little easier, but with so many posts going live every day anyway, the private ones unfortunately get put on the back burner.

  18. I am with you on the private blogs thing! I have an email with the links to all the private blogs I follow, but I am so spoiled to Bloglovin. I’m trying to get better about it. Just know you’re not the only one. And you’re not alone with the carhauler things. Actually, I don’t like to follow behind (or next to) any big rigs, anything pulling something, or anything with stuff packed in (like trees, ladders, equipment, etc). I am a worry wart and always think something is going to come undone and fly right into my car. Nathan and I are dumbfounded about the Pokemon craze. It’s wild!

  19. You know I feel ya on this Pokemon business... ;-)

  20. The garbage disposal scares me too. I don't know why I always think it will turn on if I stick my hand in there, but it freaks me out. A few months back I was running the disposal and drying off a knife and it fell, handle down into the disposal and it shot it out like 4 feet into the air and almost fell right on my head. Now I'm extra leery of the disposal.


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