Weekend(s) recap through pictures.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

First of all, I would like to say a HUGE thank you to Tara from A Tale of Four Maples, Kate from Sokolewicz Family, Meghan from The Adventure Starts Here, Amy from Happily HelloSuzie, and Kary from Always Painted, Usually Chipped. Thank you all for contributing to my Boy Mom series! I can't thank you enough for sharing your stories with me and the blogosphere. I really enjoyed reading all the stories!

Stay tuned on Mondays for more boy mom stories!


With all the excitement of the boy mom series, I haven't shared any of my own news! 

Last weekend we had a fun and productive weekend! Friday night was a lazy night and was spent having fun in the bath.

Mom! I'm ready!

Then on Saturday, we went to our friends Matt and Lorraine's house to celebrate their daughter Lily's 4th birthday. The theme of the party was "sprinkles" and Lorraine did a great job with the theme! I had just gotten off of working for 8 hours on a Saturday so it was really nice to go over to someone else's house and just have fun.

Lorraine made a cute happy birthday banner // sprinkle garland hanging on the bathroom mirror
sprinkle oreos // sprinkle nutella fudge balls // caramel covered apple popsicles 

Mason had fun playing with the toys and balloons and had fun climbing the stairs.
I had fun chasing him!
Colored spaghetti for dinner for the kids!
Mason especially loved the bread.
That's my boy! 

Birthday girl and dessert time 

He wasn't so sure about the rainbow colored oreo...
...but once he tasted it, he quickly remembered he liked them. 

Saturday night was a rough night as Mason woke up at 3am crying. And it lasted until 4am. Every time Seth or I would take him out of his crib to console him and rock him, he would calm down, but immediately started crying hysterically when we would put him back in the crib. So... blankets and pillows on the floor and we both slept in his room. It may not be comfortable to us, but it is comforting to him. I've done it once before and believe it or not, it calms him down. I rub his back or his head and tell him that we are here and that we are all going to go to sleep together and he lays down, on the side closest to me, and calms down and eventually falls asleep. It is seriously the sweetest thing.

Miraculously we all got to sleep in until 9am... only that sleeping in came with the shock that it was 9am! Mason NEVER sleeps that late and we had booked a hair cut for him at 10am (it had been 2 months since his last one!) so it required some quick moving on our part. We decided that Seth would get ready and I would feed Mason breakfast and then he would take him to the hair cut appointment and I would stay home and clean. Now, obviously Seth got the better end of the deal, but cleaning needed to happen. Bad. I've been having to work Saturdays (in addition to Monday-Friday) for a month-ish now and cleaning had been put on the back burner since we have other weekend chores that have to be done every weekend (like laundry, grocery shopping, etc.).

This weekend was a different story all together. This past weekend was Mommy/Mason weekend and it was just what I needed!

Friday night Seth was still home but we spent the night eating take out sushi and just hanging out and enjoying the weekend. Mason enjoyed drinking out of my mason jar tumbler...

...and mastering the art of the selfie.
(and the droolie!) 

Then Saturday started our weekend together. Seth works at the swap meet selling tickets in the ticket booth about seven times a year. His dad has worked there for years and years and Seth has been working there for a while now too. Basically he works from 5am-2pm selling tickets to the Pomona Swap Meet and gets paid a good amount of money for doing so. I did it for a while too, but when I got pregnant with Mason, I stopped. Seth continues to do it though and it provides us with some extra money throughout the year. recently he started working both Saturday and Sunday which gives me some extra time with my boy.

We started Saturday off by eating breakfast, watching cartoons, and then lots of playing. We also celebrated his 18 months birthday! I bought him a Citrus Lane box subscription back in December for Christmas and his first box arrived on Wednesday but I saved it until the weekend for his half birthday (more on the box later).

We had lunch and then it was time for Mason's nap.
And mommy's afternoon coffee. 

Mason slept for 3 HOURS (!!!), ate a snack, and then we headed off to the grocery store to get some stuff for dinner. I decided that I would cook (which, for those of you who know me, know this happens rarely if ever). I've made my mom's meatloaf for Seth once before and he loved it so I decided to surprise him by making it for dinner since he was at work all day. Even Mason loved it!

Then I attempted to take an 18 month picture of him. Which he was having none of. I think the last time I actually got a good, cooperative monthly photo of him was 6 months lol.

Moooooooom! No more pictures please... 

Sunday was spent sleeping in until 7am, running errands, monkeying around, and taking pictures.

Someone dropped his toy in the sink and decided he would try to get it himself...

Love, love, love this boy! 

We've been having some great weekends over here and hope you have too!
Happy Tuesday!