[BOY DADS] Special Valentine's Day Edition of BOY MOMS

Friday, February 14, 2014

First and foremost, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!

I have a very special post today. It is a special Valentine's Day edition of Boy Moms called BOY DADS! And my very special guest blogger is...my husband, Mason's dad, Seth. I asked him a couple weeks ago if he would do a special post on Valentine's Day about love - specifically the love he has for our son. Without further ado, let me introduce you to my husband and why he loves being a boy dad!


A few weeks ago Liz (known as in our household as Mommy, Momma, and to me Wife) asked me to write a post for her #boymom series but with the twist of life through the eyes of a #boydad.  Immediately I was thinking, "how hard can this be" followed quickly by, if not immediately by, "holy crap, what did I just sign myself up for?".  So after receiving a few reaffirmations from my lovely wife in the form of "you know you can do this", "just write about whatever comes to your mind"  and "you are still going to write a post for me, right?” I knew the time was now and I needed to stop procrastinating.  And let me get this out of the way, THIS IS NOT AS EASY AS I THOUGHT, so props to all you bloggers out there.

Before Mason was born and I became a Dad to the most amazing boy I  could ever ask for (#humblebrag #inmyeyes #dontjudgehesmyminime), I had no idea what life would be like with a baby, toddler or a boy on the move. Don't get me wrong, I am also an Uncle, but being an Uncle is easy compared to being a Dad. I played with my nieces, fed them when asked to and got to go home at the end of the night.  I rarely, if ever, changed a diaper though.  So once we found out that Liz was pregnant I was super excited and ultimately scared at the same time.  Cue the millions of questions and "advice" from family, friends and strangers...

Do you think it's a boy or girl?
Which do you want?
Are you ready for this?
Better get your sleep now!
Oh is your life going to change
 and my favorite Being a parent is amazing! 


Nothing, and I mean nothing, prepares you for what life is like with a baby. From the sleepless nights, late night feedings and countless dirty diapers to watching them grow, learn, laugh and cry. But from that first moment I met my Mason, I was hooked.  

Mason has grown into this amazing, energetic, mischievous, fearless and fun little boy that I cherish spending every minute I get with him. Playing with him is amazing -  be it rough housing on the floor, tickling him, throwing him in the air and onto the couch or even teaching him to throw a ball. 

As a wild boy, he keeps us on our toes because if you turn your head away for a second...boom! He is on the move, getting into things, climbing and destroying/playing with everything he can get his hands on. I love watching him grow, play and learn new things.  There is nothing better than watching Mason play at the playground, dance with his cousins, interact with all the kids at daycare and at Gymboree, curl up in his moms lap to read a book and of course listen to his laugh. 

 I look forward to watching him grow and learn every day. I can't wait for the day that I can introduce and teach him  to play sports (mostly baseball and soccer), go to the park and play catch and of course I am very proud of teaching him to raise both his arms when we say "touchdown".

I never could imagine how much Mason would change/impact my life, my marriage and even how I see my wife.  This little guy has made me grow as an individual and makes me strive to be a better man, husband and dad.  

And I can honestly say my love for my wife has grown exponentially all because of Mason. From the way she makes my little guy smile and can calm him down just by the touch of her hand. I am astounded every day on how good she is with him.  I absolutely love my little family and couldn't ask for anything better.  


A huge thank you to Seth for guest posting and sharing his view of being a boy dad. I am seriously in awe of every time he and Mason are together. They are just the cutest to watch together and Mason just adores him. We work so well as a team parenting Mason and he is the best father and husband I could ever ask for.

Happy Valentine's Day to my two loves, Seth and Mason! I love you both so much! xoxo


  1. The nose biting picture is hilarious! They must recreate that in 18 years.

    1. I know, right? That's a good idea! When Mason was a baby, he used to do that all. the. time. It was too funny!

  2. ah-mazing. sweetest thing ever. I'm so glad you got him to write this post for you, how sweet. I bet it was even sweeter for you to read. Love all the pics too.

    1. I am so so proud of him for writing it and loved reading it! He is the best dad ever and I am so glad he agreed to write this post for me :)

  3. Ah, that's so sweet. What a great idea to have your husband share. I need to email you to join (boy mom here)!! :)

    1. Yes! Please do! I would love to feature you and share your story! elizabethrose84@gmail.com

  4. Oh that first picture is so sweet!

    1. Thank you! You can tell that he has so much love for his son from moment one. It melts my heart!


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