Hi! I'm Tara, and I write a (very new) blog at tannerandpark.com. I'm a wife of almost four years to Will and a Mama to a wild, fantastic red-headed 17 month old that we call Max Henry.
When we found out that we were expecting a baby, I really thought we were having a girl. We already had two sweet nieces (and another on the way!) so little girls were familiar territory. I had girl bedding chosen. I'd even purchased a few pink sleepers and started claiming hand-me-down smocked dresses from my friends with girls. But my best friends were adamant that we were having a boy, and oddly enough, every single male on my husband's side of the family as far back as we can trace has had boys first. The night before our ultrasound, I had a crazy vivid dream that the ultrasound tech told us we were having a boy. I remember waking up and telling my husband very confidently that we were having a boy. When the ultrasound confirmed that our bundle of joy was a blue one, we weren't surprised...but we were ridiculously excited.

Max Henry was born on September 7, 2012. We had no idea what to expect. To be quite honest, I fully expected him to be a devil baby because my husband and I were both apparently very high-maintenance infants. Instead, we got a relatively easy baby. Although the first few months adjusting to a new baby aren't easy for anyone, it wasn't as traumatic as I anticipated. I think God cut us a break, knowing that I'd be by myself a lot since Max Henry arrived right in the middle of harvest- also known as the time of year my farmer husband is rarely home.

"And she loved a little boy very very much - even more than she loved herself." - author unknown
They really do turn into walking, talking people so quickly! He is SO cute! Heading over to check out your blog!