Hey, y'all! My name is Suzanna and I blog over at One Hoolie Mama. I'm so thankful to Elizabeth for extending the opportunity to post on her blog about my experiences being a #boymom! (By way of explanation, "hoolie" is our shortened version of "hooligan" and I am surrounded by both furry and non-furry hooligans at my house!)
Throughout the first several months of my pregnancy, I really felt like I was going to have a girl. I didn't have a preference either way, but I started dreaming that I was going to have a girl, the heart rate was in the "girl range," and I just really felt like it was going to be a girl. (Hubby did secretly hope a little that it would be a boy, though.) We were both ecstatic to see the ultrasound when the tech asked Hubby "what do you see there?" and he responded "it looks like it's a boy!"
#BabyD was born on New Years Eve 2013 at 9:40 p.m. He was 8lbs 14 oz.
It's almost unreal to me how much we can fall more and more in love with this little guy each day. He's a happy, talkative, stubborn little boy who loves his mommy & daddy, smiling, trying to sit up, and bath time, and hates being in the car when it isn't moving and hates, hates, hate tummy time.
As he continues to grow, Hubby & I will do our best to teach him to be a good man, to take care of his furry siblings and his other future siblings, and that if he works hard, he can do just about anything he puts his mind to.
On a completely superficial note, man I hope he keeps these blue eyes and reddish hair!
If you would like to share a post about you and your son, email me at chasinmasonblog@gmail.com .
I would love to feature you! You don't have to have a blog to participate!
What a sweet little guy! As a #boymom myself, I can't help but think life is better with boys!