Happy Halloween!

Monday, October 31, 2016

... from my little mail man to you!

Mason's love of the post office runs deep (as I'm sure you know by now -- #postofficeadventuresofmasonb // Picture Perfect Project). It was months ago and I wasn't even thinking of Halloween costumes yet when someone (I'm sorry, I forgot who, if it was you, then THANK YOU!) said "I sure hope he's going to be a mail man for Halloween!" and the idea was born. A couple months ago, I searched Amazon and found the most perfect little mail man costume, complete with a mail sack and a hat. I knew I wanted to have a fun little photo shoot AT the post office, so a couple Sundays ago, off we went. I'm always super embarrassed to take pictures at the post office when people are around (I don't know why, people take pictures of EVERYTHING these days so really it shouldn't be that weird) and hoped that a Sunday afternoon would be dead at the post office and... it wasn't. Luckily Seth was a good sport and let me embarrass him by taking an insane amount of photos inside the post office. Various people came in and mentioned how cute he was and a sweet old lady sat in her car while her husband ran in to mail something while I changed Mason outside our car with the biggest smile on her face.

he was in a mood so we had to bribe him with the "baby iPad" and that we 
would buy him two hot wheels at the grocery store to get him to put on his outfit

checking out his outfit

getting the mail out of his mail sack

The end of the day didn't go as according to plan when a postal worker walked up to me and said "excuse me, what are you taking pictures of?" (I said it was just for fun, that my son loves the post office) and I'm sure I've officially been banned from there... though she didn't say that it was illegal to take pictures of mail trucks, so maybe there's still hope!

the loading dock

Happy Halloween!


  1. OMG!!! That is the cutest costume ever!!! I love it so much and it's so totally Mason. Way to go Momma!

  2. This couldn't possibly be any more perfect for Mason, love it!

  3. This is the cutest thing ever! And how could he not be a mailman this year!? And I'm cracking up you "got in trouble", cause that would totally be my luck!

  4. I love the costume. I'm surprised if he doesn't want to wear it every single day!

  5. Omm!!!! Mason wins for THE best, most perfect Halloween costume of the year!!! I love it!!!!! Seriously, how are you ever going to top this one?? And yes, I'm always embarrassed to take pictures in public too!

  6. OH my goodness, that is so cute! I'm loving seeing all of these costumes! :)

  7. Ahhhh! I LOVE this! I wish Mason delivered mail at our house!

  8. I love his costume! He's the cutest mailman around :) And I too would've been hesitant to take photos- I'm always worried what other people think, even though I shouldn't be.

  9. Such a cute mailman! My son loves seeing the mail truck. What a great idea doing his photo shoot at the post office. Such a creative mom!

  10. ME!! I totally suggested that!!!!
    This is the best, Liz. Seriously, you could not have picked a better costume! How in the world are you going to top this next year?!!

  11. This is the best photo shoot EVER!!! Seriously made my Monday. Lol you were busted ;)

  12. SO perfect for him. I adore all of these photos.

  13. NAILED IT. Hands down, this is my favorite Halloween costume.


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