[Thoughts on Thursday] Confessions
Thursday, October 6, 2016
I must confess...
... that I hate when people share links and then you click the links and they don't open in a new window. It's always better for them to open in a new window because once I've now clicked away from your page, I'm probably not coming back, even if I wasn't done reading your blog post. #lazy
... that the other day when I took Mason out of the car to walk into school, there was a man that walked by. This is not abnormal since his school is right by a hospital and some doctor's offices, but as the man walked by, I SWEAR I heard Mason say "hello old man!". I was mortified. 1) the guy wasn't even old... mayyyyybe 40 at the MOST and 2) THANK GOODNESS he didn't say it very loud. I'm still hoping the guy didn't hear... or at least I never see him again. I guess we're at that "kids say the most embarrassing things" stage now...
... that I hate when people go in the out. There is a designated 'in' at the post office and as I was trying to turn in the in the other day, someone was trying to come out. Same thing happened at the bank except I was trying to go out and they were coming in. Ugh. Follow the arrows!
... that I clicked on like 10 photos to upload to a blog post the other day and while I was waiting for them to upload, I closed my eyes (they were taking FOR-EVER).... and I woke up hours later, on the couch, and Seth had moved my computer so I wouldn't knock it off the couch. I literally fell asleep while writing my blog post.
... that I hate that dang rainbow spinning wheel of death on the computer. And I've been seeing it all too often lately... that's probably a problem, right? =/
... that I ordered 2 pairs of Halloween pajamas for Mason and they finally came in the mail yesterday. They are SO cute but I'm seriously contemplating returning them because I'm afraid it will never get cold enough to need long sleeves and long pants pajamas before Halloween arrives.
... that I hate Q's on license plates. I don't know why. I think because they aren't uniform (like all the numbers and letters don't line up). I was terrified that my license plate would have a Q because I hate them so much. Thankfully, it didn't.
... that sometimes Mason will drop a goldfish or Cheerios or veggies straws (or whatever snack he's having) on the floor and I won't realize until the next day... when he's getting in the car in the morning and he picks it up and eats it. I tried to stop him the first few times, but now I just give up and let him.
... that I still haven't blogged our family vacation from August/September. And I fully intend to. #youvebeenwarned
Can you relate to any of my confessions?
Ha ha! Girl, the amount of times Cam has said that I've have been mortifying I could count on numerous hands. Kids have no filter and the sad thing is that they repeat things you say with is more embarrassing. I love that you fell asleep while blogging. Tired Momma!
ReplyDeleteLol the q's on the license plates is my favorite. I used to LOATHE loading photos on to blogger it was so, so freaking slow and made my skin crawl. The struggle is real friend. Can't wait for those vacation posts!
ReplyDeleteYou are cracking me up about the Qs on the license plate! I honestly don't think I've ever noticed them to know if I like it or not! And falling asleep mid blog post, classic! I fell asleep the other night while laying with Noah to fall asleep and woke up at 3:30 in the morning with the lights still on... I guess we are tired!
ReplyDeleteWhen Gabbie was little she would point at older men and say "grandpa." lol. I agree about links opening in new windows!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on the links! Can't stand it, I also can't stand when there on pop up ads in the middle of a post. I'm all for monetizing your blog but I read blogs for the posts not their ads.
ReplyDeleteThe doors thing makes me crazy! I have to go to the post office for work every day and they have those specified doors too - people just don't pay attention!
ReplyDeleteI agree with the links not opening in a new window! I always try to remember to make sure my links do. And when you’re on bloglovin sometimes it’s hard to get back to the post. I love that Mason is talking so much now, even if some of it is embarrassing. I mean, what a great accomplishment little buddy! Can’t wait for the vacation post!
ReplyDeleteI usually try to make my links open in a new window. Sometimes I forget! That is so funny about Mason's comment to the guy! I'm with ya on the snacks on the car floor... whatever... eat it kid.
ReplyDeleteMy kids eat off the floor way more than I would ever care to admit. Even to myself!
ReplyDeleteI get so irritated when people use the wrong exit when it's clearly labeled!
ReplyDeleteYou need more sleep, you poor thing! Lol though it definitely makes for a great story! Im a stickler for following road rules, some people just ruin it for everyone.
ReplyDeleteYes to the new window for links!!! I rely on that new window, otherwise... I'm never going back!
ReplyDeleteI hate it when links don't open to a new page either, so I typically always right click on links just in case they aren't.
ReplyDeleteThose links can be annoying. I really don't like when people don't follow the arrows either...it's so annoying - and dangerous! Also, kids can be so nasty. I try to keep Turtle Boy from picking up random things and putting it in his mouth, often I fail. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm with you. If you're link takes me out of your page, buh-bye!
ReplyDeleteMason cracks me up. Hey, if the cracker is still good, why not eat it the next day?! LOL!!
The in and out doors. Oh my gosh, this makes me so mad when people come IN the EXIT at Target. There is a reason there are two sets of doors!!
The Q's! You're hilarious!
hi old man lol. Aria and I were in the target bathroom and a large woman came in. large enough that she couldn't fit in the regular stalls so she used the handicap. Aria was standing next to me while I dried my hands after helping her and she was like look at that huge woman! Like super loud and in a way that she could have said look mom she is beautiful. She wasn't saying it...you know meanly, just it was a huge woman lol. I was so embarrassed though. She said it like three times before I could rush her out of there. We had a chat about while it might be true it could hurt that person's feelings sometimes so we just don't say it.
ReplyDeleteHahaha! I totally just cracked up at that story. Reese says similar things and it's like oy kid! Shhh!
DeleteI like to open a link in a new tab, and some people's blogs won't let you right click. I get so infuriated. I don't want your photos, trust me. I just wanna look at the the link you have provided!
ReplyDeleteHaha that's so funny about the food the next day. I'm sure it's harmless! :) I remember when my sister was little, and we were at the mall, and she was in her stroller and she pointed to a lady and she said, "Hey, she looks just like Gelman!" She meant Michael Gelman, the producer from Regis and Kathie Lee hahaha. My mom was mortifieddd!!
ReplyDeleteI'm totally with you on that first one- which is why I always make sure links open in other windows! Kinda drives me nuts when that doesn't happen. Kids say the funniest things! It's cute but embarrassing that they don't have filters. The other day, our water meter guy came to replace something, and Reese told him how I was changing Charlotte's diaper because it was poopy. Thankfully, he also happened to be my husband's uncle, but gosh kid! No need to share everything! :D