Halloween 2013 : Giraffe by day, Batman by night!

Friday, November 1, 2013

The day started off with a party at daycare. And let me tell you, Luz went all out! Seth dropped Mason off in the morning but he sent me a couple pictures and so did Luz and it looks like the kids had a great time!!! She had told me not to pack any food for Mason on Halloween because she would be feeding them. She sent me a menu of what was in store for the kids for food.

So cute! Totally Halloween themed and super creative!

 So creative with the food!
She also sent these super adorable pictures of the kids. Mason was a giraffe for the daycare party.

And made this super cute goodie bag for the kids!

At night, we had planned to go over to Judy and George's house to go trick or treating with the family. It's our thing. We do it every year. I had these big plans of leaving work at 3:30pm, having Seth get off at 3pm and getting Mason so we would all be home around 4pm and could leave early and try to beat some traffic to Judy's. Of course plans never go as expected!

I end up leaving work at 3:45pm, not getting stuck in too much traffic since I took the streets but then needing to stop by Target to pick something up (which is never a good idea on a holiday) and then coming home. Seth basically got home when I left work and I got home an hour late. Fail. Then there was the problem of Mason being sick...he has a cold. He hasn't had a fever all week, just a cold, and didn't have a fever last night so we decided to give it a try. Plus it's Seth's mom's birthday on Halloween so I knew she would want to see Mason. He ended up doing pretty good and we did a little trick or treating (one house even gave out full sized candy bars! Score!) and Mason ate his first candy bar... a Milky Way (a fun size one). He loved it... of course! :)

Kayla - Boo (from Monsters, Inc.)
Lilah - Minnie Mouse
Addison - Wonder Woman
Emma - Super Girl
Mason - Batman
Shawn (not pictured) - Captain America

I'm kinda bummed I didn't get better pictures of Mason in his costume, but that's what happens with you put a 1 year old in a costume that is a little too big when he is fussy with a cold. Oh well. At least I got some and I have the memories forever!

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!!!
(And Happy Birthday Nanny!)

1 comment:

  1. Such a cute giraffe and batman!!! You guys have the best daycare, so lucky! Love you all! and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!


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