Thankful : Day 14

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Today I am thankful it is Thursday! Not only because tomorrow is Friday, but because Thursday's are the days that I get off work at 3:30pm and Mason and Seth don't get home until 5:30/5:45pm. Seth always picks Mason up from daycare because it is more on his way home from work than it is for me. So even though I get off early (not early, but earlier than other days), I let Mason stay at daycare until his normal time. I use this time to run errands if I have them or come home and get some cleaning done or whatever. Today, I got to catch up on blogging and have some iced coffee.

I know it sounds super bad to say that instead of picking him up and having more time with him, I leave Mason at daycare. Let me first start by saying, I love love LOVE every minute with my boy. EVERY MINUTE. And I can never get enough. BUT for those of your with kids (younger kids, kids under 2), you will know what I mean. Sometimes you just need some time alone to get things done. Like I said, I love my time with my boy but it is almost impossible to clean, do dishes, blog, etc with a 15 month old running around. He is in that super cute stage where he wants to be around me 24/7 which is great usually, but if I am trying to do the dishes, he wants to be in the dishwasher. If I am trying to blog, he wants to be on my lap. And then hitting every key on the keyboard. If I am cleaning, he wants to throw everything on the floor. So... sometimes you just need that extra hour and half of alone time (and I only get it once a week). So today, I am thankful it is Thursday :) Until next Thursday... when I will have to take full advantage of that extra hour and a half to pack and get ready for VACATION!!! WOOHOO!

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